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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Wondering if Google is going to update the Nexus 6 to Nougat or if they're running out the clock until the EOL date on 10/31.

I'm betting on the latter. My poor Nexus 5 is now abandoned in the wilderness. Still love it though!
Here's an example of why some motorists should be permanently banned from public roads. I have to say, some of most idiotic things I see whilst driving, are from motorbike riders. Ironic, considering that they are probably the most vulnerable vehicles on the road. Not satisfied with his inherently unstable 2-wheeled form of transport, this guy feels it necessary to pull wheelies, while overtaking other cars at 100mph+

I completely agree!

The motorcycle drivers here in NoVA are all aggressive idiots, at least the ones driving 'coch rocket' speed bikes.

Just recently I've actually had a few of them almost run into the back of my car, as they are weaving through traffic at about 100 mph, on I-495 for Pete's Sake!
I completely agree!

The motorcycle drivers here in NoVA are all aggressive idiots, at least the ones driving 'coch rocket' speed bikes.

Just recently I've actually had a few of them almost run into the back of my car, as they are weaving through traffic at about 100 mph, on I-495 for Pete's Sake!

Yup. If there's one thing I will never understand, it's inappropriate speed, particularly in urban or built-up areas. People driving fast just for the sake of it, and because their car is powerful. I'm mean obviously these people have the reflexes of a fly right? Because should a car, or person suddenly step out in front of them they can handle the nanosecond reaction time required to stop?
I see people zooming around on our industrial estate. It's not the place for it! I personally love driving fast, things like karting, and track days are great. That is the place for speed, not the public roads.
Rant over.
People who post things which leave me confounded!:mad:;)

(At risk of appearing narrow minded, judgemental).......(Thinks to self)....."Nahhhh, Mike's putting us on again, with that. A man of the world, enjoying a glorious palette of experiences I wouldn't have the courage to try. Insects are food, I should get over it.

Heck, the expected rant would have been: "Getting short changed at the food cart; I want the full allotment paid for, and there is a half a roach missing here!":mad:;)
Most of those are Verizon, too. Maybe now that ATT has bought direct TV.

Century Link is planning to use Verizon.

I'll stick to TMO for the freedom to use what I want, or an MNVO that will give me the same freedom. I use unlocked phones only.
1. I'm wondering where the other half of the roach went.

2. I'm wondering if it was supposed to be in the porridge in the first place, bearing in mind this is Guangdong Province, the home of Cantonese cuisine.

My brother ate up half a jar of limburger cheese on crackers before he noticed the bugs in it. He always found worms in his salad, too. (We grew our own.)
Well this probably belongs elsewhere, but since there is a lot of ranting about work, I thought it fitting.


I am crushing your head!
My brother ate up half a jar of limburger cheese on crackers before he noticed the bugs in it. He always found worms in his salad, too. (We grew our own.)

Joking aside, insects may become a viable food source as other foods become increasingly scarce. If in the western world we can get over the cultural shock of tucking into fried grasshopper on a stick. Personally I barf at the prospect of putting anything in my mouth which has spiny legs dangling off it.
(Understanding full well that some women don't care for the gesture, truly want to be treated as an equal)

When I wait a few extra seconds, so I can go out of my way to hold the door open for you at the bank; And you smile and nod, clearly indicating you saw the gesture; One option would be to not then use your newfound 6 step head start to get in line ahead of me.

I'm just sayin' is all.
(And I'm not so bloody chivalrous that I would even hesitate to step in front of you, if the kind offer were made.);)
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I hope they used the right ants. Ants secrete formic acid which is not pleasant.
Good point I hadn't considered; lead me to following thought I hadn't considered either. Bioaccumulation (of who knows what) in the bugs; But pesticides tops list of possibilities for me. Are we expecting industry to be "free range, collection" operations, or large scale "bug ranches", controlled environments............ And who's gonna' make all the tiny spurs, lassos, and branding irons for the latter kind of operation?

Only last night put my finger on what (might) be my true objection, others may share exact same.
Exoskeletons and wing covers.....kinda weird. Like eating a toenail. Any real digestible, nutritional value?
Eating full stomach contents and excretory system........kinda weird.

It just feels akin to popping an entire tiny chicken in your mouth.......Feathers, beak, eyes and all.

And worst of all.....The lips.:confused:;)Bgaaaawwwk!
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Any work culture which expects unpaid overtime and people leaving the office on time are seen as slacking.
When I employ a tradesman to do a job, he charges me by the hour, and I pay for his time. I don't expect people to work for free. Yet with some office jobs, particularly in the IT industry, we have this attitude, where it's wrong to work the hours in your employment contract.
But on the flip side, I worked at one office job just a couple years ago where you weren't allowed to stay late because we were paid hourly & the OT hadn't been authorized. Sometimes I just like to stay late so I can finish what I'm working on, & they literally shooed you out of the building.

When people type a backwards smiley instead of a normal one. It always makes me think "why did they type a sad face after saying something happy?" - but then I realize it's a darned backwards smiley. Most of the time people use emojis now, but I just saw a backwards smiley on facebook a few days ago.
: ) Normal smiley
( : Backwards smiley
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