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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

When I'm reading a website/blog/etc. post & someone uses "DH" or some other weird acronym that a lot of people might not know what it means.

FYI I think it means "dear husband" - but I think that's dumb, too. Just say hubby or even hubs if you can't be bothered typing out "husband". Seriously, since when are we so lazy we can't type an entire word for something like that?

P.S. I know I used "FYI" but I think that's a pretty standard acronym (means for your information in case I'm wrong & people don't know what it means) :D
When I'm reading a website/blog/etc. post & someone uses "DH" or some other weird acronym that a lot of people might not know what it means.

FYI I think it means "dear husband" - but I think that's dumb, too. Just say hubby or even hubs if you can't be bothered typing out "husband". Seriously, since when are we so lazy we can't type an entire word for something like that?

P.S. I know I used "FYI" but I think that's a pretty standard acronym (means for your information in case I'm wrong & people don't know what it means) :D
Honestly I completely agree with you that the younger generation seem to use too many Acronyms.

Like you, there are certain ones, like LOL, that I understand without any problems l, but honestly I have seen some Social Networking posts and Text messages that seem to be nothing but Acronyms, and I am completely confused at that point.
a lot of people might not know what it means.
And I shall trumpet loudly across the firmament; I shall sail across the wine dark sea, and proclaim his majesty's glory, throughout the internet's expansive land.......I shall undoubtedly do so, speaking as a larger than life entity, the proudly self acknowledged "D-head" I surely am..........
All of the above posts are indeed right on the money.................Now pay the majestic D-head clown,as he stands before ye!

[SERIOUSLY] I do often go to "urban dictionary" or other such sites, in order to try and decode the gibberish others are using to communicate with, it truly saddens me.

As a general rule: The language should be a largely accepted convention, (within reason), over time, and yet still allowed to change, (for instance) to allow for poetic license, a rhetorical flourish, here and there. The internet is great, but it's not a "dictionary" if any "clown" can post to it, on a moment's notice, and list their own self referential "definition" of some nearly random string of characters as the currently accepted version of the lexicon.........That's just some clown's version of the current spank of the language. (I speak with some authority on the topic) (IMHO):p
Yo yo, talk ferrreal, y'awall!:D
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When I'm reading a website/blog/etc. post & someone uses "DH" or some other weird acronym that a lot of people might not know what it means.

FYI I think it means "dear husband" - but I think that's dumb, too. Just say hubby or even hubs if you can't be bothered typing out "husband". Seriously, since when are we so lazy we can't type an entire word for something like that?

P.S. I know I used "FYI" but I think that's a pretty standard acronym (means for your information in case I'm wrong & people don't know what it means) :D

If it's a forum or posts from quilters, it usually does mean dear husband. They also have DGD dear grandaughter, DSIL dear son or sister in law. D**khead is preferable.
I certainly wouldn't even refer to my cats that way!
It doesn't really grind my gears, but I find face lifts quite sad really. The stretched cat face looks far worse than a few wrinkles. IMO of course.
I can sort of understand famous people like actors, wanting to prolong their youthful looks, but it almost never works, leaving the person unrecognisable from their previous self, and sometimes quite scary.

Extreme, but here's an example:

Are those for real?

If so, how many surgeries have they had before this one?

They look like they belong in a Sci-Fi flick.

Believe it or not, it's real. Her name is Jocelyn Wildenstein. It's clear there's been a lot of work done on that face.

Actually I believe this is what she used to look like, an attractive woman

badass geek?

They have anger management classes. Why not “pull your head out of your ass" classes? Then we wouldn't need anger management classes.

Some people have an incurable case of that particular condition :)
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