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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Finding out a split second too late, that the beautiful brunette you are trying to get some traction with.....Is the shop owner's daughter.

Those daggers coming out of your eyes sting quite a bit, sir........But in my defense.....................o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O
But on the flip side, I worked at one office job just a couple years ago where you weren't allowed to stay late because we were paid hourly & the OT hadn't been authorized. Sometimes I just like to stay late so I can finish what I'm working on, & they literally shooed you out of the building.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, I just don't like being taken advantage of.

People tend to say, well you're being paid a salary to do a job, which will include at times, staying late, (and btw that means unpaid overtime). Ok so why does it say in my contract 9-5 with an hour lunch break? People take advantage of your good nature, and willingness to get the job done. I just see in other professions, charges by the hour. You wouldn't get anything free out of a lawyer would you? And let's consider the work/personal life balance. I have a family and interests outside of work. So as much as I love my job, I also value other aspects of my life.
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Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, I just don't like being taken advantage of.

People tend to say, well you're being paid a salary to do a job, which will include at times, staying late, (and btw that means unpaid overtime). Ok so why does it say in my contract 9-5 with an hour lunch break? People take advantage of your good nature, and willingness to get the job done. I just see in other professions, charges by the hour. You wouldn't get anything free out of a lawyer would you? And let's consider the work/personal life balance. I have a family and interests outside of work. So as much as I love my job, I also value other aspects of my life.

And that is why I'd refuse to take a salaried job at my current place of employment.

Then again, the bean-counters are cheating the group I'm in something fierce: over the past ten years, one of the other groups has gotten an 18% raise in pay, whereas my group has gone up only 8% in the same time-span. Right now, CEO comes to the table, hears our proposals, then walks away; not going to discuss it, not going to offer anything, just, "no, that's not going to work" and gone again.

Pretty soon, he's going find our group unionizing on him and he is going to be sooo pissed.

Me, I'm just going to vote with my feet. Interviewed for a job a few days ago, but still looking for that perfect pay/location/opportunities gig.
But on the flip side, I worked at one office job just a couple years ago where you weren't allowed to stay late because we were paid hourly & the OT hadn't been authorized. Sometimes I just like to stay late so I can finish what I'm working on, & they literally shooed you out of the building.

When people type a backwards smiley instead of a normal one. It always makes me think "why did they type a sad face after saying something happy?" - but then I realize it's a darned backwards smiley. Most of the time people use emojis now, but I just saw a backwards smiley on facebook a few days ago.
: ) Normal smiley
( : Backwards smiley

Technically the proper smiley is : - ) :)
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, I just don't like being taken advantage of.

People tend to say, well you're being paid a salary to do a job, which will include at times, staying late, (and btw that means unpaid overtime). Ok so why does it say in my contract 9-5 with an hour lunch break? People take advantage of your good nature, and willingness to get the job done. I just see in other professions, charges by the hour. You wouldn't get anything free out of a lawyer would you? And let's consider the work/personal life balance. I have a family and interests outside of work. So as much as I love my job, I also value other aspects of my life.

Have you ever seen Office Space? You are required to wear 10 pieces of flare, but are encouraged to wear more.
Pretty soon, he's going find our group unionizing on him and he is going to be sooo pissed.

I tried to head one of those up, a while ago......
It was goin' great, for a little while.
Then it went really, really not so much great, for me.
(There were hand cuffs involved, I don't want to talk about it.);)

"Everybody said they'd stand behind me when the game got rough. But the joke was on me, there was nobody even there to bluff"
I had a "souped up" Kawasaki AR-50 for many years.
I painted it "Debauched leprechaun vomit green", and had more fun with three or four horsepower than I ever would have imagined.
Wringing it's bloody neck at the redline, every shift like my life depended on it........I could beat my grandma and her walker to the next traffic light every time.
Don't believe the page, mine would do 55 MPH tucked in, with a tailwind.........Put yer' elbows out, and it dropped immediately to 45MPH.

That one time I was stupid enough to take it out on the freeway, I was for a brief moment, a 3/5 scale Mike Hailwood, with a 12/5 scale grin on my face.:)
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Souped up 89 HP vehicles.

Are you referring to the year that Ford would like to forget?

Can we agree that this is the one to forget?:eek:

No one is not wrong. ;) There are indeed, many pointless 89 HP turdmobiles out there. ;)

Back in the days when we were all wearing purple parachute pants, break dancing in the alley.......:rolleyes:

Those ridiculous "mini-trucks" were the hot thing,

Dad and I were down in LA, in order to sell a car.
This clown pulled up on our left at the red light, and clearly wanted to make the very next right hand turn, into the gas station on the other side of the intersection.
He worked that silly green and orange glitter thing for all it was worth, and still lost that drag.
We were in an ugly gold 1974 F-150, with a big 6. A man's truck; Tight "rifle bolt action" three on the tree, a clutch pedal as big as a barn door, and twice as heavy.
And BTW, we were towing a 1951 Riley saloon car behind us, to it's new owner.

Dad kinda' yawned as we cleared the far side of the gas station, and the dude was tucking in behind us. Then he looked over at me and said....."Remember son, there's no substitute for cubic inches".
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They're doing some much needed work on the entrance to the parking garage where I live, starting tomorrow. Unfortunately it means we can't park in the garage until the concrete is poured & has set for a few days. No big deal, except that we don't have enough room in our parking lot for all the cars that now need to park there. Our apartment office found us some additional parking, in another apartment's lot - about a block away - "as space permits".

There's actually a lot of open parking spots in the outer part of the parking lot of a Lifetime Fitness only half a block away, so out of curiosity I called to see if we were allowed to park there overnight for a couple days? Turns out the city owns that lot, "you have to call the police department" so I did.

The police department won't allow it. Mind you, nobody is ever parked in the part of the lot I asked about, but I can't park there because "then everyone will want to". (I was only asking for myself, since I don't work for the apartment & it was their job to find places for us to park.)

That's just so idiotic! [emoji57]
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Everytime I open Google, it asks if I want to buy a Pixel. NO! Not everyone that searches the internet has an extra $650.00 laying around. Do they think that I have it on my to do list and I merely forgot?

$650-$900 actually. Just say'n.
And yea I know where to find them if I win the lottery or have some other windfall.
Everytime I open Google, it asks if I want to buy a Pixel. NO! Not everyone that searches the internet has an extra $650.00 laying around. Do they think that I have it on my to do list and I merely forgot?

The google has access to every aspect of your life, including your financial information. They know perfectly well that you can go without paying your mortgage/rent, car payment and/or your car insurance, even food just to purchase their products. And google doesn't make "suggestions". Think of it as an offer you can't refuse. Remember, they know what you want better than you do.
The google has access to every aspect of your life, including your financial information. They know perfectly well that you can go without paying your mortgage/rent, car payment and/or your car insurance, even food just to purchase their products. And google doesn't make "suggestions". Think of it as an offer you can't refuse. Remember, they know what you want better than you do.

No it doesn't. We did that the old-fashioned way by paper. Food shopping has its own rewards website and I forbid Google by using NoScript on the PC. Google cannot make me an offer I can't refuse. There are some things I do want - Google doesn't sell them or advertise them as they are niche. Amazon has all the rest.
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