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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

So, there was this guy I used to almost work for... he was the maintenance manager for the hangar where I am based.

He doesn't like me.

Which is fine, I admit I can be difficult at times: always pointing out safety hazards, actually reading the fine (or not-so-fine) print on things I am asked to sign, etc.

So, a few years ago, I discovered that my work jacket lining had disintegrated and was essentially lining the hem and pockets of my jacket, thus providing no warmth benefit. Time of a new jacket.

It used to be, the company issued us new jackets every other year or so, then that suddenly stopped. No explanations, just didn't happen. So I asked my supervisor, then my manager: can I get a replacement jacket? The answer I got back was no-- new jacket upon hire, after that, it's on your own dime.

Fine. I asked the uniform guy (who picks up our uniforms for cleaning/repair, etc.) for an order form so I could order a jacket. He gave it to me, and I made an order.

Out comes a memo: you can't order uniform items such as jackets directly from the uniform guy. You have to order from the semi-annual logo buy.

Now every six months or so, a thing was handed around for people to buy t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats with the company/hangar logo on them. Essentially work gear but not, you know? Oftentimes this form never made it through my shop, and we had to more-or-less keep an eye out for the form which was sometimes circulated through the supervisors, other times posted on a convenient wall (or not-so-convenient).

Fine. When's the next order? It just went out last week.

Really? I never saw it. Nor did anyone else in my shop.

I see how it is. So, I went out and bought an inexpensive, loud (offensive visually without being socially offensive) jacket to wear at work. I never washed it when i got grease on it, nor did I repair the rip or two I put in it... screw you guys, I need a new freakin' jacket.

I also chatted my supervisor and then my boss (a few times)-- I don't think I am being unreasonable. Am I being unreasonable? I need a new jacket. I was/am willing to pay for a new jacket, but for whatever reason, the order form never made it to my supervisor's desk so that the shop (thus me) could make an order. The company doesn't want to replace everyone's jack every other year? Fine. Let us buy our own jackets, but dude, I'm freaking cold and I have to have something to wear when fixing airplanes out there on the flight line.

Grudgingly, the maintenance manager put out another list. I ordered two jackets, thank you very much.

So, this guy and I weren't exactly bosom-buddies. I'd try to get the parts department to order a certain kind of disposable tool that I'd seen in other hangars and get told that 'Jim' wouldn't pay for them-- the hangar has gotten along without them this far. So I order them through my own supervisor specifically for use by our shop. Stuff like that.

'Jim' finally moved on, to a brand new hangar in a different city.

Recently, I had to visit said new hangar to supervise some contractors. 'Jim' was as cordial as he could be, but noticed that I was using an arm-sling. I have a bout of bursitis, and the sling is to remind me not to overdo things (I really don't want to go to the doctor....). My manager had seen me wearing it in the hangar and gave me the twenty questions, and I answered him honestly: my ulnar nerve is pissed off at me, and I am trying to give it a rest so I don't have to go to the doctors. I can do my job just fine, thank you.

I get beck home, and my supervisor takes me into the principals office and grills me on the sling. Then I have to go to the managers office and talk to him about the same thing.

My managers boss is asking him about why I am running around with my arm in a sling. The company doesn't do light duty, either you can do the job or you can't. Is it OJI? When will I take it off?

FFS, why does your boss even know about it? Because you went to [other city] and someone saw you wearing a sling. FEfffin' 'Jim'! It wasn't him. I just looked at my manager. Of course it was 'Jim'. he's always had a thing against people who may not be 100%.

No, it isn't OJI. Yes, I can and have been doing my job perfectly fine, thank you. Yes, I will go to the doctor and get a paper saying I am not crippled...

Makes me want to wear a sling anytime I go to 'Jim's hangar, even when I have no problems, just because it pisses him off.
I'll let you fill in the blank @Dngrsone
A few years ago, I went for an interview for a developer job. Back then I knew nothing, compared to what I now know. In fact I didn't realise just how much I didn't know. Anyway, I failed miserably to impress the interviewers.

So fast forward a few years, and much accumulated skills, over several jobs, I'm in a much better position. Yet the person who interviewed me refuses to even consider me, assuming I'm just as rubbish now as I was back then.

It annoys me that someone can be so inflexible in their attitude, and blind to the fact that people improve themselves over time.
A few years ago, I went for an interview for a developer job. Back then I knew nothing, compared to what I now know. In fact I didn't realise just how much I didn't know. Anyway, I failed miserably to impress the interviewers.

So fast forward a few years, and much accumulated skills, over several jobs, I'm in a much better position. Yet the person who interviewed me refuses to even consider me, assuming I'm just as rubbish now as I was back then.

It annoys me that someone can be so inflexible in their attitude, and blind to the fact that people improve themselves over time.

Please refer to post #12582:)
A few years ago, I went for an interview for a developer job. Back then I knew nothing, compared to what I now know. In fact I didn't realise just how much I didn't know. Anyway, I failed miserably to impress the interviewers.

So fast forward a few years, and much accumulated skills, over several jobs, I'm in a much better position. Yet the person who interviewed me refuses to even consider me, assuming I'm just as rubbish now as I was back then.

It annoys me that someone can be so inflexible in their attitude, and blind to the fact that people improve themselves over time.

I gave my manager a bit of flak for just that kind of thinking myself, a couple days ago. He doesn't think I have enough experience on the line to be a supervisor (I've always maintained that one need not be a SME to be supervisor, but anyway). I told him, "you realize, I am the only guy who makes gate-calls for you on the weekends. The only guy who goes to the hangar, does the road-trips on the weekends, right? But I don't have enough experience on the line?"
$2/hr may not seem like much, but that's better than $4k a year. Add on to that the fact that I am doing some serious overtime and my current employer gives out quarterly performance bonuses...

Seriously, I'd take the pay hit if I could afford to. I've done so before. But right now, my finances are shot: too many dependants and an unsellable house mean I'm going to have to get a higher-paying job if I am to move out of this hellish place.
got caught there 10 years ago, ended up in bankruptcy.
only reason I have a home of my own now, is an 18 wheeler semi decided to T-bone me on my motorcycle one day, and my lawyers got me enough to pay off a new home in cash.... it is all mine, just have to pay the taxes and utilities.

I don't think their puny little insurance policy was anywhere close to the injuries I suffered in this hit. It caused me to take early retirement.


found out that all trucking companies carry the same exact policy. $1,000,000 and every one of them has the same exact phrasing: This policy will only come into effect AFTER all other insurance sources have been exhausted.

well, there were 3 trucking companies involved in my accident, and they all fought each other for 3 years before they decided that each of them have to pay 1/3rd....
and doncha know, I had to pay their lawyer fees???? how in the hell is that fair?
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