Android Enthusiast
xda forums grind my gears right about now
I wanted to ask a question before flashing a new rom, a question specific to the new build that had just been released today, not a general "imma noob, how do I do this?" question, ok, well I get a redirected to a snotty page about how I can't post in a development thread b/c my post count is too low-OK, maybe we wouldn't have ppl messing up there phones if, I don't know, they could ask questions?! Besides, for ONE, it said I had to have 10 posted to reply...the person that had last posted in that thread had a post count of 6. Last I checked, 6 is less than 10. For TWO, my 2 lowly posts that apparently mark me as a noob, had NOT been posted in a "Q&A" thread like they told me I had to post in, but in a thread for a theme (which may or may not be considered development, I don't know, but still). And really, is the line about "the question you were about to ask has probably already been asked, you should read first" (paraphrasing) really neccessary? Who are they to say what I was going to ask was already asked? who are they to assume that just because I didn't join up on their boards the minute I got a smart phone and start posting away that I can't read a forum or ask intelligent questions? No offence meant to the xda mods or whoever comes up with this stuff, I do enjoy the subject matter of the boards there, just not to in love with the presentation right now. I was a noob once (still am about some things), which is why I specifically DID NOT start posting there (or trying to) until recently-everyone here is MUCH nicer and MUCH more tolerant, and for that I say thank you. and now i'm just rambling, so Im going to shut up and go make some mindless chatter posts somewhere at xda so I can ask my question that apparently has already been asked, if only I was smart enough to find it....sheesh
('scuse the term, but OMFG! I answered a question on their "off topic/say HI" thread, and now I can't post my actual "saying HI to get my post count up" post, because I have to wait 5 minutes between posts....madness! gears are beyond...ground? this point)

('scuse the term, but OMFG! I answered a question on their "off topic/say HI" thread, and now I can't post my actual "saying HI to get my post count up" post, because I have to wait 5 minutes between posts....madness! gears are beyond...ground? this point)