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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

That 1 dentist out of 5 who doesn't recommend Dentyne for their patients who chew gum. I mean really - just what heck is their problem?!?
You know what really Grinds my gears......... Knowing you have to get up , out of your lovely warm bed in the Morning :p
Your grass is greener in the winter? :p

It's a lot easier to get warm than it is to cool down.

Not to me. Cold HURTS and when I get real cold nothing works exept a LONG HOT shower. With heat, it doesn't really take a lot to cool me down.
What gets me? People on boards like this one bashing all the different phones and OS's except their own. Different strokes for different folks and what works great for you may not for someone else. My priorities are not your priorities and so on. I think Apple is over priced but that does not mean the OS sucks. I also hate people who bash Windows just because that's what everyone has done for years. Get over it.

One last rant. sorry but I just have to say it. The words their, there and they're are NOT interchangeable just as your and you're are not. Somebody please make an effort to get these straight. Just one of my little pet peeves I guess. Grrrrr
When the courier company loses my package. Yes, that is you DHL, which lost my Motorola Milestone order from Expansys :(. So right now Expansys have my 517
you can always add layers or even those heater packets when you're cold. You can only remove so many layers to cool down without breaking any decency laws... :)
Not to me. Cold HURTS and when I get real cold nothing works exept a LONG HOT shower. With heat, it doesn't really take a lot to cool me down.
Okay... So what Grinds my gears? All of the CRY BABIES on this forum. Always crying about not having the next update and how its so unfair. COME ON!!!!! Its not the end of your life!!!! On crackberry.com I dont remember seeing people whine and cry this much over updates coming in slow or late...
The Detroit Lions. Matt Millen. The "Lost Decade" of 2000 - 2009. 0 - 16. Wasting Barry Sanders talent and never getting to the Super Bowl.
Throw the Dolphins and Marino in there then. Sounds like they could've gone together better than chocolate and peanut butter. Would've given one of those teams a superbowl.
The Detroit Lions. Matt Millen. The "Lost Decade" of 2000 - 2009. 0 - 16. Wasting Barry Sanders talent and never getting to the Super Bowl.
When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a big kid
In elementary school I wanted to be in middle school
In middle school, I yearned to be a high schooler
In high school I couldn't wait for college

All this time I just wanted TIME to fly by and my biggest gripe now is that 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week isn't enough time to get all my work done, let alone have some fun.

I am a prisoner of time and yesterday just dropped the soap.

QFT. such tremendous words.
Dallas Mavericks lost to the Los Angeles Lakers today by 3, because they gave the buzzer shot to Josh Howard!!! nooooo
Ok here goes: I love the new Tonight Show. Seriously I am part of the new generation that has followed Conan since the early days of Late Night. What the hell is NBC doing? Leno is done...now they are dragging him,Conan and the entire Tonight Show through the mud. I hope Conan stays true to his word and leaves the network all together. I am sure I won't be the only one to gladly tune into whatever network he is on.
My girlfriend getting 200 bucks worth of parking tickets in two weeks time. And then hiding them from me even though the car is under my name and if I got pulled over, I would go to jail.

that's nothin...just a teaser...wait til your married to her for 20 years
I am sick and tired of getting in trouble at work for expecting my co-"workers" to know thier farkin' jobs.

Sure, there's a learning curve and probationary period. But, I've been there almost 2 years now. There's people that were "old timers" when I got there, that still have to ask the same question every-freakin'-day!! At least once a day....

"You should really be more patient with people"

"I'll be nicer when they get smarter!!"

"Why do you not like answering questions or helping people?"

"I love helping people! If I didn't like helping people, being in computer repair/support would be a bad idea, wouldn't it? I hate, however, answering the same stupid question, for the same stupid person, 85 times a GD day!!"

I need a beer!!!

The one ticking me off right now is dealing with the State, and how they treat kids. I'm fostering a kid, and they won't even tell me who his dentist is/was without jumping through a ton of hoops, taking time off work, filling out 6 brazillion forms, and following them up with 60 brazillion phone calls.

C'mon ... I just want to take care of the kid!

'nuff said!
The one ticking me off right now is dealing with the State, and how they treat kids. I'm fostering a kid, and they won't even tell me who his dentist is/was without jumping through a ton of hoops, taking time off work, filling out 6 brazillion forms, and following them up with 60 brazillion phone calls.

C'mon ... I just want to take care of the kid!

'nuff said!

That's indicative of the state of government in general. Bureaucracy is sooo efficient...
Girls wanting nothing but money from you and girls not wanting you unless you're a tall, swoll muscle head deuche bag with a 20in cock. Also girls being whores. Thats basically it Right now. Oh and my Samsung Behold 2 giving me problems but mosty the girl part.
I was gonna post a new thread, but figured I'd just hijack this one instead. :)

I'm a CSR, and am SICK and TIRED of people screwing up something, and then getting made at me that I don't have a magic wand to fix their problem. Case in point (and this happened twice this week) .....

Everyone with half a brain knows that Sprint does not own Google, these are two entirely separate entities. You buy a Sprint phone, that runs on a Google OS, but that's it. You have to set up a Google account to use the Moment, which then stores your contacts, etc online. So what happens when some ID10T hard resets their phone and doesn't remember their Google log in information? They call Sprint, and complain that *WE* lost their contacts, and they want them back. Um, no, those are stored on Google's server, not Sprint's, and no, I can't view Google's server information to get your username back for you. Yes, I understand you can't use your phone without Google account information, the only thing I can suggest is that you create a new account so you can at least use the phone you're paying for, and talk to Google to get your old account information, so you can import the contacts into the new one. Nope, that's not good enough for this person, he want's *ME* to magically make his contacts appear on the phone, because why does Sprint sell phones they don't support? We *DO* support the phone, but not the third party applications on it. DURRR

Best part was ..... This was the THIRD TIME he'd done a hard reset on the phone, and lost all his contacts because he didn't remember his Google account info. Gee, after the first time, you'd think he'd realize that "Hey, this Google information stuff is important, I may want to write it down somewhere or use something I might actually remember", but NOOOOOOOO.



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I hate when Sprint reps bash someone for losing all of his contacts, it really is Sprint's problem.......:) (just kidding)
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