What grinds my gears:
BANKS: they cant be trusted, and am glad that i no longer use any, but get steamed up when the general populace fail to grasp the fact that banks are'nt needed if you make life simple.
Chip and pin cards: the last thing needed in a crowded shop with 20Kg of shopping and a tetchy 4yr old is some muppet taking 7 minutes using a card to pay for pack of 20p mints! TRY USING CASH!!!!
Windows: dont even go there: if you get a security problem, and adding extra layers of complexity seem to make no difference then try another OS, dont bring it to me unless its a donation.
OCD: if you know you have a touching disorder, and i've chewed your head off for touching things that are not your to touch, then dont try to be my friend...It'll lead to hurt!
CARS: The standard stereo is fine, there is no reward for waking half the town at 3am with your 'music' except alienation, and arguments. If your hearing is that bad go see the doctor and get a hearing aid, if your IQ is so low your unable to consider others then please follow the instructions of others when they tell you to get lost at sea.
Water Bills: The most abundant chemical on the planet and we have to pay for it? yes i know its cleaned and processed, but I didnt ask for it to be treated and have chemicals added to it: I'd collect my own but the water company tries to charge me for collect rain water. We only really drink a very small % of tap water, so this just really winds my blood pressure right up!
Wimpy Parents: If your child is naughty then smack it. Seriously! I'm not asking anyone to beat their kids, but a slap to the backside should not leave them marked and does wonders for their behaviour, your stress levels, and everyone elses. My lad got out of shape on a bus and i smacked him for trying to steal an old lady hat, and a big cheer went up! Take note wimpy parents, if you dont disipline your kids now prison will later.
TV: the idiots lantern. There is no other medium that pours so much rubbish into the mind as a TV. Try living without it, take up a hobby, call a friend, write a letter, engage with your family, but for the love of god do something rather than just sit there like a yoyo watching death,war,famine, and destruction - seasoned with others ideas of what to think, say, and do.
Short men: they seem to cause the most problems. If your feeling that inferiour and threatened by taller folk:get some stilts! Remember that your bad attitude may remind me that your nuts are closer to my foot than mine are to yours!
Now i feel better: nurse...reduce the dose now
BANKS: they cant be trusted, and am glad that i no longer use any, but get steamed up when the general populace fail to grasp the fact that banks are'nt needed if you make life simple.
Chip and pin cards: the last thing needed in a crowded shop with 20Kg of shopping and a tetchy 4yr old is some muppet taking 7 minutes using a card to pay for pack of 20p mints! TRY USING CASH!!!!
Windows: dont even go there: if you get a security problem, and adding extra layers of complexity seem to make no difference then try another OS, dont bring it to me unless its a donation.
OCD: if you know you have a touching disorder, and i've chewed your head off for touching things that are not your to touch, then dont try to be my friend...It'll lead to hurt!
CARS: The standard stereo is fine, there is no reward for waking half the town at 3am with your 'music' except alienation, and arguments. If your hearing is that bad go see the doctor and get a hearing aid, if your IQ is so low your unable to consider others then please follow the instructions of others when they tell you to get lost at sea.
Water Bills: The most abundant chemical on the planet and we have to pay for it? yes i know its cleaned and processed, but I didnt ask for it to be treated and have chemicals added to it: I'd collect my own but the water company tries to charge me for collect rain water. We only really drink a very small % of tap water, so this just really winds my blood pressure right up!
Wimpy Parents: If your child is naughty then smack it. Seriously! I'm not asking anyone to beat their kids, but a slap to the backside should not leave them marked and does wonders for their behaviour, your stress levels, and everyone elses. My lad got out of shape on a bus and i smacked him for trying to steal an old lady hat, and a big cheer went up! Take note wimpy parents, if you dont disipline your kids now prison will later.
TV: the idiots lantern. There is no other medium that pours so much rubbish into the mind as a TV. Try living without it, take up a hobby, call a friend, write a letter, engage with your family, but for the love of god do something rather than just sit there like a yoyo watching death,war,famine, and destruction - seasoned with others ideas of what to think, say, and do.
Short men: they seem to cause the most problems. If your feeling that inferiour and threatened by taller folk:get some stilts! Remember that your bad attitude may remind me that your nuts are closer to my foot than mine are to yours!
Now i feel better: nurse...reduce the dose now