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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

People who complain all the time.
I'm not being hypocritical. This is but once :D
But seriously don't you think they should shut up occasionally?
THE DMV! No wait the people in line at the DMV! You're here for a new license, it would stand to reason that they want to see your old one first, get the shit out of your purse! On that note, people in line at the market. You know you have to pay, get that shit ready while they are ringing up your items!

lol I feel you on that one. Most people don't realize that you CAN
swipe your card and enter your pin before the girl is finished ringing you up. Also, you don't have to wait for the total to break out your ink pen to write a check... while I'm on the subject of checks... I hope you slip and papercut your jugular... Standing in line at the grocery store is not the place to use a check. If you aren't paying a bill through snail mail... use your bank card.
didnt read through the entire thread but stupid drivers. and slow drivers. esp slow drivers in the very far left lane. dont go 5 under the speed limit, move the %*(! outta the way. Pissed that lane splitting wasnt approved here, oh well, its only illegal if you get caught, and its not considered running from the police if you dont make eye contact. :)

kidding of course... <---disclaimer
people who complain all the time about crap that they can change but are too lazy to do it. Example - if you hate your job then send out resumes rather than tell me that you hate your job and the people you work with.
When im playing on my Desire, and some douche with an iPhone asks if its the new iShit. Because anything thats not an iPhone these days is an iShit apparently.....
When im playing on my Desire, and some douche with an iPhone asks if its the new iShit. Because anything thats not an iPhone these days is an iShit apparently.....

Do you ask them if their calls are randomly dropped and the screen yellowing on their 'oh so wonderful' phone?

I agree - I have no problem if someone has the iPhone, until they act like an asshat.
the one thing that really drives me nuts, is when people you know rant on about your taste in music, if i like listening to it and you dont...DONT F'ING LISTEN TO IT THEN! GOD!.. I listen to it cause i like it

rant over...
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What really grinds me is threads that are about and title "What really grinds your gears" :p

I kid I kid.

Funny how I never seen this thread. Couldn't come at a better time today.

These are the top 10 things that grinds my gears...
1-Bluetooth/Headsets wearers
People who are having one hell of a loud conversation to another person with their headset walking down the street or an elevator. First they look crazy and second, I don't want to hear about what you did to the women last night or what size shoes you want.

Working for the City of New York. It pisses me off that you really can't take a day off cause no one does your work. You come back and the work is still there. Yet when they go on vacation, you take up the slack.

3-Android Forums
It pisses me off that this place is so friendly and addictive that I see myself on it all day from my laptop next to my work PC and trying everything in the book to make it look like I am doing work when I'm actually working on AF.

4-School Buses
This might piss off some, but in NYC, there is no freaking need for school buses. Take mass transit. There are more school buses than buses, stopping at every other corner picking up kids (who are never freaking ready) tying up traffic for blocks. In my day, we walked to school or the parents drove us.

Really, seriously, in any Metropolitan city especially NYC. They complain about traffic but if you ever drive in Manhattan, you can actually count more than 7-10 yellow cabs in any block. Take the train/bus damnit. These same cabs are no where to be found outside of Manhattan except the airports. WTF?

6-My Workplace IT dept.
What a bunch of numbnuts. Still working on ancient Windows XP, they rather you spend thousands on a new PC instead of saving money installing more memory. Working on Office 2003 when all my VBA apps/financial reports need 2007. People come to me to help them with their PC/App problems instead. Not that I mind, but I am too busy working on AF. :D

7-People wearing inappropriate clothing.
Usually its kids/teenagers, but I've also seen a few grownups doing it. It people wearing their jeans halfway down their butt. usually showing off their underwear or the crack of their ass. They call it a fashion statement, I call it stupidity. If they really knew the true meaning of what it was for, I am sure they would not care to continue to do it. Idiots.

8-The 5 day work week/vacation time.
Really? Seriously? I would rather work an hour and a half longer with a shorter lunch from Mon thru Thur and get Friday off to have a three day weekend. (or it can also be Tue thru Fri and have Monday off.) We in the USA work too damn hard and much and don't take enough time to unwind. Europe gives you a month or more. Two weeks is not enough for most folks. (I actually have 3 weeks due to my job, but most don't).

9-Messy inconsiderate drivers/eaters
I have a corner house. and no matter what, people end up coming off the main drag two blocks away and park on my corner to eat their crap and then throw their garbage out into the street when they leave.

10-Use of inappropriate words out in the open
It drives me nuts when I see people regardless of race, color etc saying the N word. Be it in conversation or in song. Wrong wrong wrong. The same thing for any other inappropriate use of the words gay, re-****, etc.

Maybe a Scotland specific one, but Orange Walks. Not that I object to them walking, each to their own and all that jazz... but there was one today in Wishaw that was TEN THOUSAND strong... and it affected traffic and travelling all over South Lanarkshire for me and my family today. Hellish.
I've been waiting for a Droid for about a year now, and since Verizon dropped their VIP program, I had to wait until today. I go into Verizon to find out the HTC Incredible was originally supposed to be in stores around June 7, and it's July 11. They HOPE to ship by August 9th.
1 - People who say "hence why" or "return / reply back". I have no idea where this came from but it's become so common in the last year or so. While I'm on the subject, the general standards of literacy here in England. I'm sure that there are people in other countries who have English as a second or third language who will have a better grasp of it than people who were born here, and that's something that the nation should be ashamed of.

2 - Ice cream vans. When I'm sitting in my garden with a book on a summer afternoon, I do not want to be subjected to the first 10 seconds of the "Match of the Day" theme tune every two minutes. I wish they'd ban the ruddy things.

I sound like such a curmudgeon! :o
Grammar Police - I can understand if someone is way off in left field or typing in Ebonics but when you make it a huge issue to point out a simple grammatical error when you know full well what that person is trying to convey, you come off as being a jackazz. It makes it even worse when you back door that with your own grammatical errors.

Fantasy Baseball Office Guy - I go to work just like you do and no I do not give a rat's azz about the Astro's bullpen era, nor do I care that your lead-off man is hurt for the rest of the year and that you're looking for a replacement. It is not my job to listen to you ramble on about your team when you know damn well I could care less about Baseball. Come talk to me when Football season starts ;)

Ugly Girlfriends (wingchicks) - Why is it that you have to hate on me when I approach your girl. Is it because I didn't give you the time of day? Before you left the house, you knew what your role was to a tee but now that it's a reality, you refuse to play it. Step to the back, stop cockblocking and maybe just maybe, you can get your shine on too.

I have a few more but these are the most egregious.
Grammar Police - I can understand if someone is way off in left field or typing in Ebonics but when you make it a huge issue to point out a simple grammatical error when you know full well what that person is trying to convey, you come off as being a jackazz. It makes it even worse when you back door that with your own grammatical errors.

Oh I totally agree... another forum I go on has the worst example of that, Captain Pedant we all call him. He seems to revel in it...

I do not give a rat's azz about the Astro's bullpen era

I'm an Astros fan and I don't either! :D
- People too lazy to help you help them. I could retire if I got a dollar every time somebody sent me a work order with not even close to enough information. Just what exactly am I supposed to do with "I'm in a different office today and my email is broken". Gee, do you think it might be a good idea to give me the phone number at the desk your using, or at least tell me which office so I could somehow track you down?

- Morons that don't trust phones to actually transmit their voice. I'm sure most of you know at least one person like this. They usually speak at a normal volume, but as soon as they're on the phone they start bellowing into it. Not only does it annoy everyone around them, but blows out the eardrums of the poor guy on the other end of the call. One person at my work is so bad that I know when somebody 3 cubicles over is on the phone with them; I can hear both ends of the conversation even when it's not on speaker.

- People with a total lack of respect for anyone around them. This especially includes morons texting and talking on the phone during a movie, people who refuse to take their screaming children outside at restaurants, and who think the world is their crotchfruit's playground.

- Drivers that treat actually driving their car as the least important thing they are doing at the moment. Never mind that they're swerving all over the freeway, their little snowflake needs you to hand them their baggie of cheerios now.


6-My Workplace IT dept.

If your workplace is anything like mine, you should probably revise that to "IT management / management in general". I'm in IT and myself and the rest of the people that actually do the work are usually thrilled when MS announces they're no longer going to support a product because that's often the only motivation to upgrade that works on managers. A couple of years ago when MS finally ended support for Office 2000 we tried desperately to get them to let us upgrade everyone to 2007. Nope, they were afraid that people would freak out over the ribbon bar and only let us upgrade to 2003. Never mind that many of the users were already using 2007 at home, and that the ones that freak out over changes will do so no matter how minor they are. Honest to god I actually had somebody once ask me how to create a new email because when upgraded Groupwise the "new mail" button got a slight 3D look to it. They saw the slightly changed look and decided nothing they knew would work anymore.
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