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Root [READ ME] Root Terms for the Ill Informed.


Extreme Android User
Dec 8, 2011
I took this from Policywonk. It's his thread and I am merely sharing it with a few added terms and forum terms from myself. Credit goes to him.Full credit to Nomorefear. It was his original post.

The root terms guide in the ATR guide only covers a few terms. This is a great explanation of MORE terms and their meanings but explained so that the traditionally newbie can understand them.

Knowing these terms and their meanings goes a LONG LONG way. It helps you understand what you are actually doing and what is going on when you tweak, mod or mess with your phone.

I've also included useful forum links as well as useful Esteem forum links for the " new guys". :D

Esteem Forum Links

-Always remember that MOST questions can be answered in our "All Things Root Guide" found here http://androidforums.com/esteem-all-things-root/460450-lg-esteem-all-things-root-guide.html

-Non Root related questions can be placed here LG Esteem - Android Forums

Rule of thumb for posting Questions/Problems

If you want to get the BEST answer possible for you question/problem, please post your

1. Software Version I.E Zvb, Zvc or Zvd
2. Current ROM installed on phone
3. Your problem/question described in as much detail as possible without going off topic to much which causes confusion. Straight and to the point with as much detail as possible will get you the best results.

If you provide this information it makes it easier for the people that are willing to help. It prevents them having to ASK these questions when they could simply give the response. :D

Android Forums helpful threads




ADB- Android Developers Bridge: The program used to talk to your phone and give it commands (USE IT ONLY IF YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE LEARNING)

AOSP- Android Open Source Project

Root/Rooting- Getting the administrative control i.e, "hacking", "jailbreak", etc, etc...... Root is also defined as the base folder of your SD card. If you are told to place a file into root then this is what is meant. REMEMBER-root/rooting-admin control OR base folder on SD card. Please re read instructions you find in the forums throughly so that you may be able to save yourself some time and heartache.

Best way to describe "root" is using Windows OS as an analogy. In windows you have GUEST and ADMINISTRATOR. Guest is limited while admin has FULL control. When you first buy your phone you are essentially a "guest" in reference towards the system of the phone. You have limited access to the system. Rooting the phone opens up these system files and turns you from Guest to Administrator. Thus being able to access and change ALL system files. EXTRA caution is needed because this is your phones heart and life line. One change can brick your phone. Nandroid backups are a must before playing with the system.

Superuser- program which gives authority for another program to have Root access. Program examples are "setcpu", "terminal emulator", "auto killer memory optimizer"

Recovery- a useful tool that allows root users to flash roms, reinstall backups, and do many other fantastic things to help keep your phone from becoming a brick.

Flash/flashing- the action of "installing" a file that isnt normally installed by conventional means i.e. flashing a rom, flashing a radio, flashing a kernel, etc etc. '/!\ WARNING: flash at your own risk and make sure you have over fifty percent battery and do not interrupt the flashing procedure. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!' :mad:

Brick- making a device useless so that it is rendered a mass of uselessness. May be used as a door stop or a coaster. Even a projectile for those damn trash eating opossums.

Terminal Emulator-
a program which simulates ADB and basically is a way to communicate with the phone and provide a command language that is for upper eschelon (1337) users to helm.

Nand backup- In your recovery terminal there is an option to make a "Nand backup". This is a restore point or in gaming terms a save point. As most of us gamers know, if you save before you go further in the game and you make a poor choice then you can reset and go back to where you started. This is the same thing but for your phone

- Easiest way to put it: it is the thing that manages your system resources. This is the heart of the phone. Battery life, performance and speed are all tweaked within the kernel.

- This is written for newbs so lets just say this is the term for making your phone run faster. Adjusting the phone's CPU to a higher value than what is stock. IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Overclocking your phone too far can make it seize up or go into boot loops if done incorrectly! It can also make your phone run hot. BEWARE!!!! Also see: SetCPU/CPUMaster

Obviously this is the opposite of "Overclocking". You are essentially changing your CPU speed to that of less than what is normal. Same rules apply as overclocking. Also see: SetCPU/CPUMaster

OP- Original Post/Poster (Forum Term)

PRL Preferred Roaming List: This is just an updated list of what cellphone towers have been added to the system. This means better coverage when updated" - Nomorefear

Here are some other definitions not covered by Nomorefear. For the following, I give credit to Wiki CMS Groupware (makers, I mean "developers" of Titanium Backup). I've also modified their stuff a bit. Link at end of post.

OS- Operating System

Android Operating Systems-

Version 1.5- Cupcake Released 4-30-09
Version 1.6- Donut Released 9-15-09
Version 2.0,2.1- Eclair Released 10-26-09
Version 2.2- Froyo Released 5-20-10
Version 2.3- GingerBread Released 12-06-10
Version 3.0- Honeycomb (Tablets) Released 2-22-11
Version 4.0- ICS or Ice Cream Sandwich Released 10-19-11
Version 4.1- Jelly Bean Released 7-10-12

Random Access Memory. Memory where software resides while it is running. Both the Operating System and Application software use RAM.

System app - A system app is an application that resides in /system/app/ and thus is technically a part of your ROM

User app - is an application that resides either on the /data partition of your phone's internal memory or on your SD card

System data - In the vast majority of cases, system data is simply the data that belongs to system apps or services.

Root - is the UNIX system administrator (UNIX is an operating system [OS] just as MicroSoft "Windows" is an OS)

NAND locked (or "S-ON") device - is a device where the ROM (usually mounted at /system) is write-protected in hardware and thus cannot be modified, even if you have root privileges. Sometimes you get the illusion that you can write to /system, but in any case all changes will disappear after a reboot. This is why these devices often have "temp root" instead of permanent root". In order to get permanent root access, you need to make your device "NAND unlocked" (or "S-OFF") first. In other words, you need to "unlock the bootloader".

Shell - simply is a "command line" to type commands on your Android phone. If you're comfortable with typing on the phone then you can just use the ConnectBot (free) app or the Better Terminal (paid) app. If you want (or need) to type commands from a computer, just install the Android SDK, then enable "USB debugging" on your phone and finally, connect your phone through USB and type "adb shell" on your computer.

Here is another definition from kejlyCZ (link at end).

ROM - is abbreviation for Read Only Memory. In this case, it's the part of the phone software, which is provided by manufacturer (operating system, basic built-in programs) and it's protected from deleting by user. It's the same like when you install Windows, the clean installation with no user data and user installed programs. In Android, ROM means the Android operating system. It can be the official ROM (updated by manufacturer) or unofficial ROM (AKA "Custom ROM) ('brewed' by community,.....

A ROM is essentially a custom version of Android. Within ROM


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