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Reasons Not to Switch to Droid X

My main reason for wanting to switch would be b/c of the call quality. It is sub par for Verizon and I have noticed some funky things lately. The other day when I would make a call I heard a ringing sound and nobody could here me on the other end. Soft reset fixed it but it's frustrating.

I love this phone but man this isn't made for someone to use for business and has to make a lot of phone calls.
Because I've heard the speaker on the droid and The incredible is louder, not for sure but most people seem to think itl be the same one on the x.
That couldn't be farther from the truth. Not only is the droid speaker louder by a lot it also more durable. I have already been thru 3 DI's because of blown speaker.
There are two things that are potentially holding me back....
1) Motorola digitally signing the bootloader....
2) There will be something even better in a couple of months.

Other than that, it seems like a great phone. I'm still weighing my options however......
The other day when I would make a call I heard a ringing sound and nobody could here me on the other end. Soft reset fixed it but it's frustrating.
This has happened to me as well. Only once so far and I am reluctant to send it off for replacement since there seems to be such a huge backlog. Hoping it's just a software thing that will be sorted out. And there would be no end to my nerdrage if I sent my phone off and got a refurb with an LCD screen.
One thing that's making me question a switch is simply "fear of the unknown". I know that probably sounds lame, but right now my Incredible just works. Sure it has some quirks I'm not keen on, but I worry that the new X could be riddled with issues or problems we're unaware of. Of course, it could be flawless too, so there's a lot to weigh-up. From afar, the grass is often greener, but sometimes the fields are covered with dog crap when you get there.
This has happened to me as well. Only once so far and I am reluctant to send it off for replacement since there seems to be such a huge backlog. Hoping it's just a software thing that will be sorted out. And there would be no end to my nerdrage if I sent my phone off and got a refurb with an LCD screen.

It was strange and has only happened to me once. But there were 2-3 other times when I couldn't here the other person on the other end of the phone and that is equally as frustrating.

I am not about to return it unless it comes an issue.
I agree... lack of trackball alone is a deal breaker for me.

* It's the Ctrl button in ConnectBot/ssh
* It makes editing text so much easier than trying to use the touch screen to precisely get the cursor where you need it
I really only have two reasons:

1) don't like the big screen

2) I already own the Inc.

Seriously, can we PLEASE not have another stupid war like with the Evo? I got really sick of dealing with threads trying to fight for supremacy. ALL of our phones kick ass, can we leave it at that? And put our energy where it's needed.

Making fun of iPhone owners.

Agreed. I like both phones and really the only reason why I'll probably be switching is because I prefer the larger size (I underestimated how much time I would spend browsing the web on my phone before I got it) and I'll actually be getting a little extra dough by getting the X at a subsidized price and selling my Inc on ebay/craigslist. People take these phone decisions so personally. You'd think that these phone names were of rival gangs.
I thought since the Droid X Forum has a thread on reasons to switch to the Droid X, I thought we'd make one for reasons why we won't switch.

1) Too bulky.
2)Not an HTC device, therefore no HTC Sense.
3)No optical trackball.
4) No touch-sensitive buttons.

1. Opinion, the X will be fine for me.
2. I never use sense anyways
3. I have not ever needed to use that.
4. I hate those "buttons" since I always accidentally press them.

I do like the incredible although the X will just be much better.
I agree... lack of trackball alone is a deal breaker for me.

* It's the Ctrl button in ConnectBot/ssh
* It makes editing text so much easier than trying to use the touch screen to precisely get the cursor where you need it

even with that cool magnifying glass feature?
Well, as an ex-iPhone user (kill me now!) the magnifying glass and finger technique actually worked pretty well in absence of a proper optical joystick or trackball. Don't get me wrong, I really like the little one on the Incredible, but as a compromise it can be reasonably effective if it works well.
Because when you get the x you'll just want the next best phone.

^ truth.

As far as all the other arguments go, I'd have to say that the only one that holds water is that the X might be too big. Other than that, when motorola wants to make a flagship device, i don't think there is anyone who can do better.

Further.. The DInc track pad is borderline useless for games - and suffers poor implementation because of android's hardware fragmentation. I'd have been much happier if they made the screen 54 pixels longer, or put a hardware joypad there instead (much more useful for precise control in games).

ATEOTD, NOBODY does speakerphones better than moto, and nobody other than maybe Nokia does radios better than Moto. Moto may not be the best in terms of power management, but they're a heck of a lot better than HTC. It's a newer, better device, and that's something we better get used to accepting unless we want to part with all of our surplus cash every 5 months.

but it is big. damn big. :)
Is that what that's for? lol
Still faster to trackball it then to use the magnifying glass
unless the text is on the 1st line or 2 I find that hard to believe. I think tapping on the spot you want to start to copy is the most direct route if it there was a way to pin point the start spot witch is what the magnify function is for.

there are plenty of good reasons not to switch but I think some of you guys are trying to convince your selves more so then to bring up valid reasons.

I read one guy sight build quality, but in another thread I read were someone said HTC was known for poor build quality. What? 2 years ago I would have said that HTC was hands down the best build quality but now Motorola has definitely stepped there game up. I personally find the build quality on my Droid and my DI to be vary comparable.

That being said, the only hands down things that are better on the DI in my opinion is the Screen contrast and color, and the camera! If the droid is any indication of what the Droid X will be like, I expect the speaker to be louder and more durable and the UI to be more to my liking (I used to love sense but the more I use android, the more I like a more vanilla experience)
b) You just got a new phone! Be happy for at least 6 months!
c) That new phone I bought stopped working after 1.5 months. Best Buy Black tie has had my phone since the 18th of June and no relief in sight. Would be happy if my phone at least lasted 6 months.
Yeah, those physical buttons would annoy me. And the size. Looks like a cool phone, though. I like the way it looks. I'm still interested in trying one out in a few weeks (keeping my inc, though, of course. I don't get caught up in the excitement and end up switching phones every month.. unlike some people.)
For those of you that don't know, and think you have a "limited" phone, you don't. It's confirmed that HTC will be using BOTH amoled screens and slcd screens. I dont' have an Incredible yet but I plan on getting one asap! But I wouldn't wait to get one if they came with slcd screens, seeing as the amoled screen is a major selling point.
6) screen to big
7) speaker not as loud
8) Colors aren't as vivid (amoled)
9) leds for flash aren't as strong
10) no flash support (until late summer)

lets see how VIVID your colors are once your phone dies :p
Well, as an ex-iPhone user (kill me now!) the magnifying glass and finger technique actually worked pretty well in absence of a proper optical joystick or trackball. Don't get me wrong, I really like the little one on the Incredible, but as a compromise it can be reasonably effective if it works well.

The trackpad does more than just cursor the text. The example the other user gave was for Connectbot and there are things you can do like send CTRL-escape keys with the trackpad. Hit Trackpad, hit C is the same as CTRL-C. Hit the trackpad is the same as keyboard up. If you are serious about doing any terminal stuff, the trackpad is essential.

For example, I can log into a linux server and run a command like:

sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl stop

and then just hit the cursor up key to re-run the command, delete a 4 characters and type in start and I'm done:
sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl start

No need to retype the entire path again. Just 6 clicks.
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