Joe's ISP is going to charge X amount of dollars for having more bandwidth allocated so customers can view their website quicker and easier. Problem is, Ray's ISP wants to do the same, as does Bob's, Ted's, etc. is fortunate to be able to afford it, but can't even though their products are far superior. is forced into Chapter 11 trying to compete on an un-level playing field due to a practice some bean counter came up with as another way to make money that was not part of the original business plan and is most assuredly unethical, if not illegal.
Now, don't forget, this is in addition to the rates being charged to the ISP's customers that continue to go up. These rates are what has been the standard means of income for the ISP's since day one, and now they want to charge you and the content provider.
Add to this some of them want to control the content you are able to view, which is patently wrong. They set up shop as an internet service provider, not an internet service regulator; see the difference?
Now, if the ISP's were all hurting and posting huge losses every quarter it might be understandable, but they are not. In fact, they are making money quite nicely, so the argument about cost of infrastructure they claim is behind this doesn't hold water.
I keep hearing entitlement this and entitlement that, show me where some jerk is entitled to make 25, 50, 100 million, a billion or more A YEAR, but that company can claim they are hurting financially and have to raise prices to cover expenses. This is the real joke being played on America.
So now we have gotten to the real problem at hand, greed. It has nothing to do with just and fair profit for use of equipment, it has to do with lining pockets. And yes, I do own a business, and would never dream of accepting a salary like that. There is not a single person on this planet that does a job worth that much pay, period.
To cut the inevitable argument off at the path, if you can build your wealth through ownership, development, sales, etc. there is nothing wrong with that, you built it and earned it. You build 20 car dealerships from the ground up, more power to you, but there is not a salaried position worth that kind of money. And that is what this extra income is going to pay for.