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*Rezound ICS OTA is live Thread*

I dont know what the reasoning is, but I am now under the distinct impression that the ICS update for the Rezound is being intentionally delayed by HTC & Verizon.

Really starting to wish I wouldve waited a couple of months for the SG3 before I jumped ship to Verizon...
Zilch, captain.


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Here we are at 12:10 am Aug 1st. I knew pretty early on in the day that ICS wouldn't be coming any time soon. Although I have the latest leak installed, I'm still ticked off at HTC and Verizon.

This is my first and will be the last HTC device I ever get. Funny back in December I went into 4 different Verizon stores and they all seemed to push to Motorola brand, none of them showing much interest in the Rezound. Wasn't crazy about the reviews the Nexus was getting so I went with the Rezound figuring it says upgrade coming in early 2012.

Didn't give it a lot of thought at the time, but the 4 different Verizon stores who never showed much interest in promoting the Rezound or kept saying go with Motorola, should have been a red flag..... Seems like big red never took a liking to this product for whatever reason.
Here we are at 12:10 am Aug 1st. I knew pretty early on in the day that ICS wouldn't be coming any time soon. Although I have the latest leak installed, I'm still ticked off at HTC and Verizon.

This is my first and will be the last HTC device I ever get. Funny back in December I went into 4 different Verizon stores and they all seemed to push to Motorola brand, none of them showing much interest in the Rezound. Wasn't crazy about the reviews the Nexus was getting so I went with the Rezound figuring it says upgrade coming in early 2012.

Didn't give it a lot of thought at the time, but the 4 different Verizon stores who never showed much interest in promoting the Rezound or kept saying go with Motorola, should have been a red flag..... Seems like big red never took a liking to this product for whatever reason.

I'd guees that it has something to do with Google now owning Motorola. HTC will be left hanging in the wind.

**** Verizon. **** all phone companies. They're all rip-offs in their own way.
At the risk of garnering intense unpopularity here is the deal. If we ever do get ICS it will not be before Sept 15. So, just enjoy your summer.

No, don 't even ask me why just do the math.

Beam me up now Scotty.
It's pretty pathetic that the management from Verizon shows how much they care about there customers needs. With all the leaks n roms available on the web , you would think they would get their shit together. Honestly at this point I may just root my REZOUND n get ics with sense 4.0 .
For what its worth, I sent a CS email to vzw. I included the link which states "early 2012". I expect a robot response but who knows. I've been a customer since they absorbed air touch, who was my paging service provider. Maybe they'll give me a $1.00 gift card and a pat on the butt.

I'm happy with the leak but hat not he point.
So long as we don't see any new pdfs on the VZW Rezound support page I doubt anything will arrive before that shows.

Until you see the PDF of vzw site we ain't getting ****

Here we are at 12:10 am Aug 1st. I knew pretty early on in the day that ICS wouldn't be coming any time soon. Although I have the latest leak installed, I'm still ticked off at HTC and Verizon.

This is my first and will be the last HTC device I ever get. Funny back in December I went into 4 different Verizon stores and they all seemed to push to Motorola brand, none of them showing much interest in the Rezound. Wasn't crazy about the reviews the Nexus was getting so I went with the Rezound figuring it says upgrade coming in early 2012.

Didn't give it a lot of thought at the time, but the 4 different Verizon stores who never showed much interest in promoting the Rezound or kept saying go with Motorola, should have been a red flag..... Seems like big red never took a liking to this product for whatever reason.

All i will say to that is don't hold it against HTC. This is all on VZW IMO. I swear I think HTC and VZW have issues with each other

I'd guees that it has something to do with Google now owning Motorola. HTC will be left hanging in the wind.

**** Verizon. **** all phone companies. They're all rip-offs in their own way.

This has NOTHING to do with Google owning Moto. This is ALL a VZW/Moto thing. If you had a HTC phone on Sprint you wouldn't have any problems. Moto is VZW's golden boy
You know what would be wonderful, if this was held back because of that FCC ruling posted earlier. Apps like foxfi won't work on the Rezound but work great on a RAZR....maybe they had to yank out the encryption or whatever is stopping it ;) Just wishful thinking, but I figure we all have some time to dream now. HTC used to leave nice little back doors like on the Eris and Dinc edit something in the SIP, dont even have to root and free tether fo'eva.
Amazing. I called Verizon this morning asking about my issues (4G cutting in and out, WiFi doing the same thing, call quality is pretty meh at times, and when I literally just called my wife, it dropped in ten seconds), and they said "we are aware of those issues" and have been since I bought the phone.

Wait, what?

Anyway, she said they've received nothing from HTC. Bull. I'm calling bull on that.
Yes Verizon is S**T, but I'm still happy with the Rezound! I remember checking out the Rezound in Best Buy back in March and the guy saying that the Rezound should be getting ICS in the next week or two. HA.

I feel bad for those patiently waiting for the OTA but at least you can run the leak w/o issue (it is really easy). By doing this your on your way to unlock, root and s-off if you so desire.
You know what would be wonderful, if this was held back because of that FCC ruling posted earlier. Apps like foxfi won't work on the Rezound but work great on a RAZR....maybe they had to yank out the encryption or whatever is stopping it ;) Just wishful thinking, but I figure we all have some time to dream now. HTC used to leave nice little back doors like on the Eris and Dinc edit something in the SIP, dont even have to root and free tether fo'eva.

Wait, foxfi works on the RAZR? As WiFi or just BT?

I wonder if it works on the Inc 4G.

That is interesting...

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