I don't know if you are looking into it at all michaelson, but I just wanted to update you that having my phone plugged in to either my pc or wall charger causes the cpu frequency to reduce to whatever it feels like. Sometimes 1.5 but mostly either 1.2 or 1.0 but I have even seen it go to 800mhz several times. I even returned to stock earlier today and reflashed 1.3 and it's still doing it. I've done everything I can think of to troubleshoot this and have concluded it's something in the source code of the rom or android causing it. I don't even know if you can fix it, but just figured I'd give you my feedback.
Also after I reflashed the rom I didn't even use a backup to restore everything but actually redownloaded my apps just to make sure nothing in my previous setup was causing it. (I also didn't install a lot of the apps I had before and reduced my app number from around 100 before to 39) I had done so much configuring and changing of settings and installing and uninstalling apps I figured i needed a fresh start. Though doing that has made my phone run smoother and faster the cpu still changes when plugged in.
Nevertheless I love the rom and sent you 20 dollars earlier tonight.
Could you please hook me up with that clock zip?