I've been having my phone stuck booting several times, as in I see the cyanogenmod boot screen and it never fully boots. It isn't rebooting after awhile, it just stays there. Waiting upwards of 30 mins several times before pulling the battery.
I've tried:
wiping cache + dalvik
wiping boot and re-installing from a backup
wiping cache + dalvik again.
flashing boot using the cm10.1 zip.
I've done several clean installs, sometimes using titanium backup to reinstall apps, the last time I reinstalled everything clean via market.
Internal phone storage consistently around 50%, with a gig or two free on my SD card.
No additional mods installed, just full wipe+cm10.1+jb gapps+vvm fix+wipe caches. Normally I can reboot and it will be fine, but this morning I turned it off for a meeting and it didn't come back. Reinstalled 3 times this week.
Anyway I can help debug this when it happens again?