No, you will need to download them separately.
As usual, figured out the answer once I flashed the ROM, booted & couldn't figure out where to add a Google account!

Been running it since last night and I think I'm back on CM7 for a while. Kudos to you for a fan-frickin'-tastic ROM! If the 7.2 ROM currently in alpha is going to improve on this, it is going to be amazing.
Just as a side not, ran Navigation on my way to work this morning and it looked (if the 3G notification icon is not lying) that I never dropped 3G while GPS was locked. Totally contrary to my experience with CM7 in the past on the MT, but I'll not ask too many questions & just thank the Android gods...

EDIT: BTW, it really is amazing how the CM7 ROMs run as smoothly as overclocked Froyo ROMs...really a shame that Motorola never released an official GB update for this phone.