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Root [ROM]Miui RePortaled V.2.0

been running an old cm7 rom for 3-4 months now.

thoght id move to this. downloaded muiv.2.zip to my phone, went to recovery, flashed like i flash any other rom.

didnt work.

bad zip

i re download on my PC, 7zip and windows cannot read the file no matter how many times i download it.

my FRIENDS computer cannot read it.

i want miui, wtf is going on?? i read through the thread it seems like everyone else can use it.
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This thread is so out of date, mod's should change the thread title to final, the rom is full of bugs that never got fix, it was working fine at first, but then it started to give so many problems, went back to CM7.

@shmackshmack try flashing MIUI from isaacj87

is more stable.

yeah i was running that rom for sooooo long. i guess i can settle for it again. it WAS pretty nice afterall
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Dude thanks for this . This is the first time I have found a MIUI ROM that is stable and doesnt FC all the time. I just switched from the OV to the Triumph so just trying out the ROM's you devs have here . This one is awesome. I have to run launcher pro because the extended settings wont allow me to utilize the app drawer option as i hate the icons on my desktop. Any ideas why that isnt working?
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