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Root [ROM]Miui RePortaled V.2.0

Ok i did already thanks.


I made a video on how to open the app drawer, it's my first time doing a video, i did it simple, sorry if i did not explain well, i hope it helps the people that don't know how to get it to work, get an idea.

[ROM]Miui RePortaled V.2.0 How To Open The App Drawer - YouTube


Go to miui control panel> app drawer options> enable app drawer> Touch the status bar> tap twice the right corner of status bar and pull down.

Thanks! I've been so busy guys I haven't had anytime for anything! Im trying.g guys
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The opening another app to set up a different lockscreen background seems to be a bug in this that I believe is being looked into. I have for the first time in a couple of weeks gotten random reboots the last couple of days (both of which have bootlooped). The first was an app freezing up. Today I was just trying to turn on wifi.
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it may be to many apps guys i have benn trying to work out the kinks guys almost done

Don't know if this has been covered but for some reason if I take a pic then delete it and reboot my phone its still there it didn't delete it does that with everything I delete as far as images and videos and such apps still delete correctly just letting u know man again great work
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Don't know if this has been covered but for some reason if I take a pic then delete it and reboot my phone its still there it didn't delete it does that with everything I delete as far as images and videos and such apps still delete correctly just letting u know man again great work
I notice that today, i deleted a whole album yesterday, i did not open the photo gallery until today and the album it's still there with all the pictures, so i tried deleting one more time, and when the album refreshes there goes the pictures back in the album lol, weird.
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Don't know if this has been covered but for some reason if I take a pic then delete it and reboot my phone its still there it didn't delete it does that with everything I delete as far as images and videos and such apps still delete correctly just letting u know man again great work

Yeah. I had some photos that NEEDED to be deleted and they wouldn't delete. was like D:!
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I want to say "thank you" to everyone that got their hand on this ROM. It's beauty.

And..I need help of how to get the app drawer working. I have follow the video and/or text below the video but it's not working for me :(. When ever I went back to app drawer option its back to the original and I tried to enable it again and tap the status bar the twice on the right corner then pull down but only the notification and toggle options show :( :(. Can someone help?

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