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Root [ROM]Miui RePortaled V.2.0

Hi, I'm a (very) new forums user here and a newbie with Android. I usually don't post a lot, but this is some really polished mojo you have going with this rom!
It definitely saved my MT from going to ebay, love this rom and all the goodies in it.
I'm a web gui designer by trade and eye candy is definitely my thing so again I have to say that you really put something GREAT together here with Miui V2.
Thanks very much!
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I'm trying to get app drawer too, with no success.
Also while in Miui Control I changed the Carrier Name and nothing happened.
I'm also trying to uninstall ROM Manager but it won't let me.

The rom is smooth and responsive. Sometimes the back button doesn't work (so what else is new?)

I know data isnt working on MIUIv4 :( but you should give it a try the quadrant score is way higher than CM9 no offense to the devs :D
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I'm getting the random reboots as well. I have a logcat, and what it looks like is that the phone keeps running out of memory, and therefore rebooting. I'm not sure it's the ROM though, as I was having the same issue on cm7 and issacs MIUI as well. I could be an app, but it seems to be related to the internet access; I don't see any specific app causing the issue itself but I wont claim to have more than a working knowledge of Linux architecture.
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i really have no way of testing anything with data and service because i swithced to sprnt and almost got rid of my triumph but kep it to do devolopement for yawl so if i could have some testers that live in different states with perferebly good service lol

ill b tester if it doesnt affect data/phone/sms. :) im in ny
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It's working fine for me, only problem im having is that wifi keeps disconnecting at all times, i have both rom versions of miui installed on 2 MT phones, i have isaacj87 & joemossjr versions, and on both versions wifi keeps cutting off, after a while.

besides that everything as listed works, no problems with sms, & data, and i'm at Virginia.
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Ok i did already thanks.


I made a video on how to open the app drawer, it's my first time doing a video, i did it simple, sorry if i did not explain well, i hope it helps the people that don't know how to get it to work, get an idea.

[ROM]Miui RePortaled V.2.0 How To Open The App Drawer - YouTube


Go to miui control panel> app drawer options> enable app drawer> Touch the status bar> tap twice the right corner of status bar and pull down.
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