Im having issues with 1.1.. WI-FI AND 4G Are not working... I had no iisues with 1.0.8 ttid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1409282361934217216-1&safe=1&zw
Click link for pictue
is this right? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The boot.img flashed succesfully. but its not showing up in my system. . I had no problems on 1.0.8...I flashed the boot.img. Then wiped cache, and dalvik ,and did a factory reset.. I even tried flashing again. I have S-ON how should I be flashing your rom? Please help Im a HTC noob
Need to either get Ext4 or do the wiretrick and run the program to get S-Off. Back on page 13 of this thread Mobs had posted where to go to get the program to get S-Off.
You will need to do a few things first though.
1. Make sure HTC Sync is not installed on the desktop, it will interfere with the adb causing it to reset and never finish the S-Off.
2. Backup your SD Card if you do not have a secondary one available. This way you don't lose anything saved on it.
3. Flash the stock rom back to the phone or use the jmz rom found in the all things root section.
4. Start the program and follow the directions. When it states do the wire trick make sure you do it. The phone will reboot and the progam will tell you its completed.
After all this is done you should see the message sunny day or somethign similar meaning you have s-off. May take a few times but it can be done. Once that is done you can flash the rom just like you did before.
Other alternative is to purchase the Ext4 for $3 on the market, though personally I try to stick to the free route.
Quick note though, after the flash has been completed, if you turn on 4G the phone will lock up and you will have to pull the battery. Just a glitch i'm sure Mobs will get fixed. However WiFi does work with it. 4G really isn't needed yet unless you have it in your area, and so far it is very few places it is available.
Only had the other issue of dsp stopped working but that wasn't anything big to worry about.