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Root [ROM] Mobster Rom HD/Lite - 031513

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*__* beastly

oc'd at 1.7 , digging my first day on anthrax and 1.1, thanks mobz

... And after reading the entire h boot downgrade thread, all I can say is let the games begin

notice it running warm at 1.7? seemed fine at 1.5 though. i did notice in the hardware settings it shows 1.8 even though its 1.5.
Will be fixed in the morning

Awesome. One other minor thing "Settings" crashes when you press "Personalize." I'm guessing this is because of stripped out HTC sense features.

And I'm guessing the new messaging app you put in is gone for good because of MMS issues? A shame, it looked way nicer than the default one.
I'll add those 2 issues as bugs in the OP

And the save power can only be used if your at a certain battery percentage like if your phone died it will power on with Save Power enabled then turn itself back off when you have enough battery also I think you can't turn it on if your around 100%

Ummm...well my bad there Mobs. I looked at the battery save while it was on the charger LOL was pretty tired and not thinking. Seems ok this morning though will let you know if any other issues
Im having issues with 1.1.. WI-FI AND 4G Are not working... I had no iisues with 1.0.8

Click link for pictue

is this right? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The boot.img flashed succesfully. but its not showing up in my system. . I had no problems on 1.0.8...I flashed the boot.img. Then wiped cache, and dalvik ,and did a factory reset.. I even tried flashing again. I have S-ON how should I be flashing your rom? Please help Im a HTC noob
gets stuck on "android upgrading" after rebooting, have to pull the battery out

This happens to me too. Can't start the phone.

EDIT: Starting to worry now.... How do I boot into recovery if I can't get bast the boot? Have I bricked my phone?

EDIT 2 - RETURN OF THE EDIT: OK, I am a complete idiot and did not realize that HTC evo can get into bootloader by pressing vol. down+power. Just in case anybody googles this like I did: "If your HTC evo 3D is stuck on Android is upgrading Starting Applications, take out the battery, put it back in, hold down the vol. down+power buttons, and you will reach bootloader, at which point you should go to your recovery, wipe cache, dalvik cache, and data, then flash a working ROM.:
This happens to me too. Can't start the phone.

EDIT: Starting to worry now.... How do I boot into recovery if I can't get bast the boot? Have I bricked my phone?

Make sure you uninstall the htc sync from the desktop. It interferes with the adb. Remove that and retry the controlbear and wire trick. Should work then.

Edit :
At the command prompt if using control bear type controlbear -r or -f if in the bootloader
Im having issues with 1.1.. WI-FI AND 4G Are not working... I had no iisues with 1.0.8

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=0fbd85b951&view=att&th=138ec6db215c74f8&a ttid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1409282361934217216-1&safe=1&zw
Click link for pictue

is this right? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The boot.img flashed succesfully. but its not showing up in my system. . I had no problems on 1.0.8...I flashed the boot.img. Then wiped cache, and dalvik ,and did a factory reset.. I even tried flashing again. I have S-ON how should I be flashing your rom? Please help Im a HTC noob
notice it running warm at 1.7? seemed fine at 1.5 though. i did notice in the hardware settings it shows 1.8 even though its 1.5.

Didn't warm up to bad, same as if streaming video on Justin tv for a couple of episodes, just kinda played with the phone for a bit before I went to bed........
Since I'm still getting 4g issue and stuck whenever I reboot I flashed back to my 1.8 nandroid for my work day, will try s offing tonight or tomorrow. For the most party I'm way happy with the stock kernel, I think most of these issues are anthrax related, which is why I was planning on waiting for source release, but I really dig mobz" work so I dove in early, Oh and Wi-Fi worked fine on 1.1 for me
Didn't warm up to bad, same as if streaming video on Justin tv for a couple of episodes, just kinda played with the phone for a bit before I went to bed........
Since I'm still getting 4g issue and stuck whenever I reboot I flashed back to my 1.8 nandroid for my work day, will try s offing tonight or tomorrow. For the most party I'm way happy with the stock kernel, I think most of these issues are anthrax related, which is why I was planning on waiting for source release, but I really dig mobz" work so I dove in early, Oh and Wi-Fi worked fine on 1.1 for me

Did you use twrp or 4ext?
lol. so nobody can help me?????

Have I ever mentioned 4ext is essential if you're s on? If not let me mention it now. Just spend the 3 bucks and flash it as normal. You don't have to mess with any separate installation for boot.img.

If that doesn't work, have you tried putting ice in your pocket? Heard it worked for a guy in the non root forums.
Hey mobs what r the chances u could incorporate the stock ics dialer and contacts apps? Just askin, not demanding ;-)
Im having issues with 1.1.. WI-FI AND 4G Are not working... I had no iisues with 1.0.8

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=0fbd85b951&view=att&th=138ec6db215c74f8&a ttid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=1409282361934217216-1&safe=1&zw
Click link for pictue

is this right? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The boot.img flashed succesfully. but its not showing up in my system. . I had no problems on 1.0.8...I flashed the boot.img. Then wiped cache, and dalvik ,and did a factory reset.. I even tried flashing again. I have S-ON how should I be flashing your rom? Please help Im a HTC noob

Need to either get Ext4 or do the wiretrick and run the program to get S-Off. Back on page 13 of this thread Mobs had posted where to go to get the program to get S-Off.

You will need to do a few things first though.
1. Make sure HTC Sync is not installed on the desktop, it will interfere with the adb causing it to reset and never finish the S-Off.
2. Backup your SD Card if you do not have a secondary one available. This way you don't lose anything saved on it.
3. Flash the stock rom back to the phone or use the jmz rom found in the all things root section.
4. Start the program and follow the directions. When it states do the wire trick make sure you do it. The phone will reboot and the progam will tell you its completed.

After all this is done you should see the message sunny day or somethign similar meaning you have s-off. May take a few times but it can be done. Once that is done you can flash the rom just like you did before.

Other alternative is to purchase the Ext4 for $3 on the market, though personally I try to stick to the free route.

Quick note though, after the flash has been completed, if you turn on 4G the phone will lock up and you will have to pull the battery. Just a glitch i'm sure Mobs will get fixed. However WiFi does work with it. 4G really isn't needed yet unless you have it in your area, and so far it is very few places it is available.

Only had the other issue of dsp stopped working but that wasn't anything big to worry about.
Did you extract anything from the zip to put into sdk folder or sd card? Or just run the exe file from the desktop?
v1.1.1 (08/03)

  • Fixed Livewallpapers and Personalize
  • Re-added LeeDroid Tweaks app
    - Warning not every Tweak works Since Most of Sense was removed
  • Made kernel into Boot.img so S-ON users can fastboot flash

- Updated at 5:45 AM EST Version Number did not Change

Edit: With this update i usually have 500MB+ free Ram

- This was taken while Listening to Music in the Backgroud

Hey Mobs good job on the new release. Just upgraded it a bit ago and seems to actually be a bit more responsive. Ran into the issue of bumping the 4g last night and it locked my phone and had to wipe everything and reflash. Kept getting stuck on the loading apps even after battery pull. Hope you can get that fixed so if its bumped on by accident we dont have this problem anymore lol
Hey Mobs good job on the new release. Just upgraded it a bit ago and seems to actually be a bit more responsive. Ran into the issue of bumping the 4g last night and it locked my phone and had to wipe everything and reflash. Kept getting stuck on the loading apps even after battery pull. Hope you can get that fixed so if its bumped on by accident we dont have this problem anymore lol

Its a Kernel Issue that should be fixed as soon as our official Kernel Source is released
I kinda figured from what I have read lol. still good though. the file manager had quit a couple times though but can't right back up.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
update...... I fixed my issues . twrp sux when you have s-on. I have 4EXT Now. No iisues. And holy crap. this phone is fast. 4EXT is the way to go. much easier to use as well. Just pay the 3$. Why even bother with the wire trick. It seems kind dangerous to the phone.
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