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Root [ROM] Mobster Rom HD/Lite - 031513

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Why hasn't anthrax approved my account even though I signed up and posted over a week ago? I know they said you shouldn't pm anybody over account approval so I'm pretty much stuck. I posted in the welcome forum , what should I do now ?:confused:
I am not really worried about "what" project butter got in here. I am cool with mobs having some secrets :-) I do know that at least in my setup this is the smoothest running of all of the Roms I have tried!
I can't get my corporate email to sync workout using touchdown. I wanted to sync it through the regular app because I sync it to my calendar but it doesn't work.

Yes, desperate for this to be fixed! I hate using those third party apps when the native one worked so well in CM7, etc. Wish it would sync without issue.
Flashed latest last night, was worried I wouldn't be able to receive messages from friends with I phones but I can, haven't run into anything so far that hinders my performance or usage, I use power toggles app so wimax in quick settings not an issue, and I use battery spy app for bat percentage, sound doesn't seem to be as loud through speaker but that's cool, the last audio enhancement was on the verge of being over did lol, sounded great on big speakers but almost blew my smaller travel speakers lol,
Appreciate what you do, and digging mobz v as always, thanks
Hey..... I was going to do that process that you told me yesterday about but for the meantime I had put the rooted stock ROM on my phone so I could till do what I needed to do until I had the time but to send texts I had to update my profile like I would always do when I had stock and then that worked. Today I had to reboot my phone, so I thought I would have to do that code but it automatically connected so I when into 4EXT, made a back up and flashed the ROM. Now it's working with signal! It must of been the old profile update or something blocking the system from reaching the tower properly. I'm so glad to have this ROM working! Best ROM Ever. I was so disappointed before when I found out the code wouldn't work in the dialer and now this is just awesome!
No overclocking enabled on the then newest version is it still possible to somehow enable it since i dont want to go back to version 1.4 ?
which version of anthrax should i download i tried to download vs 3.2.2 but it says that 3d will be broken. is this the one i am supposed to use ? Help Anybody !!!!! im wondering whch version this rom used to use. Thanks :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Running newest MobsterROM with 3.2.2r Anthrax... Really nice Rom! Coming from MidnightROM... No random FCs or reboots... Everything working smooth.

Much thanks!

Using Gosms, but stock app on my end is working fine too.
which version of anthrax should i download i tried to download vs 3.2.2 but it says that 3d will be broken. is this the one i am supposed to use ? Help Anybody !!!!! im wondering whch version this rom used to use. Thanks :confused::confused::confused::confused:

Get 3.2.2r ... 3d is working fine... Think 3d is only broken in his ZSL roms. Not sure what ZSL is... But when you install, it says Standard or ZSL, and standard is the only option anyways. I left all options to what it comes up as.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but I haven't seen it. What exactly does this rom have from Project Butter? Not just the JB launcher, right? Because I don't think the launcher really has anything to do with the term Project Butter. PB I believe refers to things more deeply embedded in the rom that improve smoothness, such as triple buffering. These improvements benefit all apps/launchers on JB.

I don't mean to sound too skeptical, I'm just curious because I haven't heard of PB being ported to ICS, and I haven't seen a real explanation here of what exactly Mobster added besides the JB launcher (which I don't think warrants the term Project Butter).

Yes Project Butter is deeply integrated into the Rom and the fact that this is ICS with Project Butter really makes it stand out. Project Butter is the key selling point to this Rom. I will not share how I accomplished this but I will tell you that any Rom based on Mobster Rom V will have Project Butter (i.e Vanilla Mobster Rom) regardless of Launcher
I flashed the latest Anthrax and used S7's init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and edited it so the 2nd core kicks on faster but goes offline normally when the workload isn't needed. Geared more towards performance but has excellent battery life. Paired with 1.62 GHz, lagfree gov and SIO scheduler...no reboots and insane performance with fluidity. Just thought I'd share.
I flashed the latest Anthrax and used S7's init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and edited it so the 2nd core kicks on faster but goes offline normally when the workload isn't needed. Geared more towards performance but has excellent battery life. Paired with 1.62 GHz, lagfree gov and SIO scheduler...no reboots and insane performance with fluidity. Just thought I'd share.

is it me or does this sound amazing? i want lol
I flashed the latest Anthrax and used S7's init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and edited it so the 2nd core kicks on faster but goes offline normally when the workload isn't needed. Geared more towards performance but has excellent battery life. Paired with 1.62 GHz, lagfree gov and SIO scheduler...no reboots and insane performance with fluidity. Just thought I'd share.

I flashed the latest Anthrax and used S7's init.qcom.post_boot.sh file and edited it so the 2nd core kicks on faster but goes offline normally when the workload isn't needed. Geared more towards performance but has excellent battery life. Paired with 1.62 GHz, lagfree gov and SIO scheduler...no reboots and insane performance with fluidity. Just thought I'd share.

These all run very well together...
I'm sorry butevery time I touch the link to download the rom it takes me to a a page to download 5 free gb of google chrome. Is there something I'm missing here.
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