guys.. I seriously want to thank all of you for the thanks & respect i get around here, your all awesome and i love reading things like this
BUT, the honest truth is.. none of this work can really be claimed as "mine" even though sometimes i label it as my own, the reality of it all is im just good at using google lol
none of the additions or modifications i've delivered to you guys is really my work.. I just find the best options I can find that other people have already discovered and explained, so if anything all the credit and thanks im getting should be more to people like PG, MT and the OG devs of previous devices who took the time to discover all these fun tweaks
the MAIN reason things seem as good as they are is for these reasons..
-the Stock ROM is heavily debloated
-the Stock Kernel is still very stock, only changes are minfree values which gives that little extra boost of performance
-using the most common/simplistic tweaks found in other forums from many other developers (thanks to all of you who tested so we can confirm stability)
-Any modifications "I" made were more UI related (Including xml editing) than performance related
the main thing i did besides removing un-needed apk's was sift through some of the other folders (bin, lib, etc etc.. lol) and carefully remove what we absolutely did not need, and add things that would benefit for us..
so to sum it all up, #2 & speed kernel is just a stock dump, themed (thanks to me with some help

) with root (thanks to mt & pg) debloated (thanks to.. well it's just common sense everyone would debloat it lol) and commonly tweaked & Modded (thanks to uhh like hundreds of android developers..?) HAHA
Im just the guy who did the research of them and put them together in a use-able form for the esteemers, which i still couldn't have done if MT & PG didn't do it already