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Root [ROM] Number Two (#2) v3.0.1 {ZVE}

on first page of rom#2 - is #2 2.6.2 the new and improved ,lil confused ,ive dwnlded one a few days bk and never was able to flash,so i was wondering if this the new (final) version 2.6.2 for now,we kno how ldrifta has sumthing up his sleeve lol, thanks guys,im on the nte.zip now and if 2.6.2 is updated and better,cant wait to try it out!!!!
oooo haha ok, nah i haven't done anything like that but i am looking around still lol

The 5 icons that are the settings icons ringer, WiFi, etc. in the status bar where u put the settings on ics there r more the than 5 cause u can slide side to side to show more I think there is 7 or eight

I also use bunch of toggles (bright, wifi, mobile data, rotate, flash etc..) and
actually I am working on right now to implement Lidroid's 14 toggle to Esteem.

Lidroid's 14 toggle bar

But sadly no luck so far T.T

I've edited Statsusbarservice smali, compiled it and flashed to my phone numerous times but either I get regular status bar with 5 toggles or no status bar at all.
Wait can we flash the NTE update over 2.6.2? I thought when I originally DL it it was the 2.6.2 beta (or whatever you wanna call it). If it is a flash over thing, what exactly does it do?
At first I was wondering why this rom didn't come with over clocking, When I flashed my esteem this morning. You know what, it is so smooth at loading apps and has such a great general responsiveness, you don't need it!!! This will be the first time that I'm not going to worry about it, especially when I flash my wifes Esteem later on tonight. Did titanium restore and all my apps are behaving great, especially Facebook. No probs with the launcher, also nice and smooth like butter!!!


Thanx LDrifta!!!!
anyone know the name of that witgets
is the time, weather and battery

At first I was wondering why this rom didn't come with over clocking, When I flashed my esteem this morning. You know what, it is so smooth at loading apps and has such a great general responsiveness, you don't need it!!! This will be the first time that I'm not going to worry about it, especially when I sh my wifes Esteem later on tonight. Did titanium restore and all my apps are behaving great, especially Facebook. No probs with the launcher, also nice and smooth like butter!!!


Thanx LDrifta!!!!


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Is the status bar supposed to be gray when a app or internet is opened? Not a big deal just wondering if maybe my flash went wrong or something either way 2.6.2 IS A BEAST!
What a difference! I was about to give up on this phone and buy another, but I could not find one worth buying. I'm holding out for the optimus g. Now I can hold out until the price drops with this update.

But, this rom is awesome! My stuff loads in timely manner AMD the delays are gone, mostly! This is the best version of number two! I like the new launcher more than adw and I'm sticking with it.

Thank you for your hard work. This is the standard for the esteem! =)
This Rom is awesome as I've said before and still so smooth a few days later loving it just trying to figure out y my wife's phone has an issue since putting her on NTE update when people call her they can't hear her very well and I can hear myself when I talk to her not sure if it's Rom related but happened she says after I flashed her phone
soooo.... hows the latest update running? :D

Its a beautiful FriKen thing!

You don't mind if I build off of it, do ya? :)

Haha. Oops! Too late


You said about 3 months ago ( back when you supposedly retired). That it was Build able.

But I don't think think I'm sharing V 2 anyways :)

Hahaha. Take that bitches!
Happy Ogre day!!!

J/K everyone
Thanks for perfecting this from, she's running silky.

Merry kwanza everybody!
i take off my hat for you ldrifta,you earned all of our respect in the esteem community ,and with this rom you blew us away thank you very much
anyones else having slow data with the new build? I'm not even cracking 2mbp down, when i was on the last build i was getting almost 4mbp down
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