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Root [ROM] Quattrimus JB (CM10, AOKP41)

Go into MX player, go to the video you are trying to play. Long press it until a menu pops up -> properties -> more -> and provide the stream #1 and #2 info, or screen shot it please.

this i what i got


  • Screenshot_2012-12-20-21-08-20.png
    359.9 KB · Views: 118
Someone give me a link to a HD video that plays well on stock ics but not on jb. I'll try to take a look soon.

A video that I took running Eclipse_A3 wont play correctly for me on AOKP41.

Any ideas on fixing the carrier text in CM10?

I tried the method phillip_viado suggested in #44 but that provided a temporary fix and reverted the next time I used mobile data for anything. I know it's kind of a stupid thing to worry about but It drives me absolutely crazy.

Anyone have any ideas I can try out?

I don't suppose that I could just install the ROM control apk into CM10? I have a feeling that that will either not work or really screw some things up, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

I need help.

The error I'm getting is:
W/WVMExtractor (236): Failed to open libwvm.so

I tried in in /system/vendor/lib/ and /system/lib/ and still the same result. It seems to be tied in with wildvine and it gets called out any time you try and do hardware decoding, even on your base build. Thoughts?

I need help.

The error I'm getting is:
W/WVMExtractor (236): Failed to open libwvm.so

I tried in in /system/vendor/lib/ and /system/lib/ and still the same result. It seems to be tied in with wildvine and it gets called out any time you try and do hardware decoding, even on your base build. Thoughts?

That's the drm stuff. I believe cm doesn't include it but aokp does. I don't think it is relevant but if you are on cm, try aokp. I'd you are on aokp something is screwy.
I tried the band-aid fix for the poor mic quality and it seems to have made a decent improvement. People said I was coming through much clearer when talking outside. Replaced /system/lib/libaudcal.so with the stock ICS file.

Anyone have the stock libaudcal file available? I'd like to swap it out and see if it helps.
Someone give me a link to a HD video that plays well on stock ics but not on jb. I'll try to take a look soon.

Here are some HD sample videos to test with - H.264 Demo Clips | H264info.com

I am not on stock to test with tho so if someone who is can try a few of the videos, list what you tried and how it played that would be great. I tried the 1080p Bourne Ultimatum on CM10b2 and it drops frames when there is a lot going on in the video... plays the black screen with slow moving letters great tho :P
If it does work can someone tell me how to do it. Sorry, noob here.

all you need is a root browser on your phone, one with dual panel view is the easiest to use for moving files, I use solid explorer for all my root browsing needs. All you need to do is have a copy of one of the stock ics rom zips and go to system/lib and get the files and drop them into system/lib of the os you are currently running
That's the drm stuff. I believe cm doesn't include it but aokp does. I don't think it is relevant but if you are on cm, try aokp. I'd you are on aokp something is screwy.
Ok, thanks for the info. I'll do some more digging this weekend then. We're missing something, I just have no clue what and the logs aren't being cooperative. I'll probably need to strace MXplayer.
Announcing Quattrimus: JB for the LG "iproj" family (Nitro, Spectrum, etc.)

What does not work?
GPS works for some, not others.
In-call audio volume may not be correct.

Overclocks to 1674 MHz.
Compiled with Linaro.
Source: github.com

death2all110 and PlayfulGod for providing vendor binaries and a bit of help here and there.
Neph81 and death2all110 for finding the patches to fix mobile data.
Code Aurora Forum
The CyanogenMod team
The AOKP team
Many, many others

Download for CM10
getquattrimus.com [Hosting by Chris Talkington, TalkingtonTech]
androidrepo.net [Hosting by Jeremy Countryman, HardCore FX Web Design]
vmroms.com [Hosting by LeslieAnn]
Current Version: beta2

Download for AOKP41
getquattrimus.com [Hosting by Chris Talkington, TalkingtonTech]
androidrepo.net [Hosting by Jeremy Countryman, HardCore FX Web Design]
vmroms.com [Hosting by LeslieAnn]
Current Version: beta2

This is a "multi ROM". It will automatically detect your phone model and install the appropriate files.

Supported models:
* i_atnt (P930, NitroHD, OptimusLTE)
* i_vzw (VS920, Spectrum)

SU640 reported working.


Phone model is detected using the SoC build id. If the install fails, send me the contents of your /sys/devices/system/soc/soc0/build_id and I'll add support.

If you have a different model, such as the LU6200, send me a PM and I will work with you to add support.

Install instructions
* Install the latest recovery. As of this writing, it is CWMT See other threads in this section for how to obtain and install it.
* Download the ROM, verify the md5sum, and put it on the root of your sdcard.
* Download JB gapps from goo.im, verify the md5sum, and put it on the root of your sdcard.
* Power off your phone.
* Hold volume-down and power until you see the scary warning screen.
* Confirm by tapping the power button twice.
* Make a backup of your current system (use the tar method!)
* Do a full wipe / factory reset.
* Install the ROM.
* Install gapps.
* Reboot.

I don't accept donations. Please donate to the EFF or one of the hosting providers.
Can i able to use gsm network on lg spectrum after installing this?
Worked great! My wife said it sounded way better. AND IT FIXED MY LOW VOLUME ISSUE ON SPEAKER PHONE!! THANKS!

Has no effect on my speaker phone. What Rom are you guys using to take the files from. I've tried the v7 debloat and cm9 and the libs from those have no effect on speaker phone for me
With the fix posted by Neph it sounds like call audio is fixed? Are most people still experiencing GPS issues? I'm trying to decide between Quattrimus AOKP and Icy Fusion 2.0 Final, but since it's for my sister's Spectrum I'm trying to find the most stable and standard feature complete ROM.
With the fix posted by Neph it sounds like call audio is fixed? Are most people still experiencing GPS issues? I'm trying to decide between Quattrimus AOKP and Icy Fusion 2.0 Final, but since it's for my sister's Spectrum I'm trying to find the most stable and standard feature complete ROM.

Something based on stock without too many changes would be the most stable and standard.
So replacing that lib driver did the trick. Now my question is, can a similar thing be done for display driver libraries? Using the ones from stock ICS. That I believe would be make everything awesome...
Right now most of the custom roms don't have bluetooth working. Tdm has figured that issue out and corrected it in these roms, but these roms have other bugs being worked on.

Azoller said he will be releasing one last version of Icy Fusion R2.0 with the bluetooth fix incorporated here soon.
Something based on stock without too many changes would be the most stable and standard.
Except I don't see any stock roms with working bluetooth yet ;-)

EDIT: and by standard feature complete I mean the basic functionality of the phone (sms, mms, calls, GPS, bluetooth, wifi, etc) all works as expected. To me, stability is generally smooth performance, with little to no random reboots.
People wondering about gps I flashed to cm10 last night and it works now. I never had gps on aokp41 but I note have it on cm10. For what it's worth I flashed the v7 debloated Rom first and tested gps and then I flashed cm10. Gps locks in about 5 seconds
People wondering about gps I flashed to cm10 last night and it works now. I never had gps on aokp41 but I note have it on cm10. For what it's worth I flashed the v7 debloated Rom first and tested gps and then I flashed cm10. Gps locks in about 5 seconds

Did you do a wipe or a dirty flash? If you did a dirty flash maybe I can repro it.
I don't get it. When I change that lib file it makes my dialer unusable. How come I'm the only one experiencing this. So not only does it not fix my issue, but literally creates a whole new one. Any ideas?
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