CM10 RC4 GPS status indoors, seated, 10' or more from any exterior wall on the main floor of a two story plus attic.
1 second to lock at 29' 6 Sat of 21, have not used an app that uses GPS in her a week, since before upgrading from RC1. 22' lock after 6 seconds 10 Sat of 21, screenshot is lock after 30 - 45 seconds (not planned, I already took the 22' lock and was about to exit to post when I noticed the new lock.
This is not different than what I had on RC1, b5, or b3. But is way better than I had on ZV7 or ZV6
For fun I just went outside in the rain to see what kind of lock I could get outside, yes it is cloudy and raining. 20' outside with a clear view of the cloudy sky... again on CM10 RC4, but not unusual at all for me.
It was a 9' lock with 6 of 7 Sat, but by the time the screenshot took it had changed to this and even though I had 6/7 again, I could not get a screenshot quick enough before it changed.
While on CM10 b5 I had locks of 3' with around 10/16 or so Sat.
While I am glad to say my GPS works fine, for any who are envious, although I live in solid LTE coverage for more than 30 miles in any direction (plus or minus a few miles) I only get max speed tests in the 3Mb-6Mb range anywhere in my coverage area and have never gotten more than 1.2MB up or downloads. I'd prefer no GPS and faster LTE. Many places I only get 800Kb-1.8Mb speed tests while on LTE. I used to get that our better on Sprint 3g (Sprint does not cover my area with 4g or LTE, which is why I bought a spectrum)