Sorry for the lack of posts this past week or two - I've been sick in the hostpital for a week. Turns out that illness I had got much worse, and was paired by a different one that goes hand in hand. I'm alive, though, and getting better. Sounds like you guys are having random reboot problems - I haven't had any. Nor am I having any problems attaching a photo via the gallery via the stock MMS app. So, what I'm going to do if upload the current test build tonight - I don't remember what's changed aside from being able to get the search button -> camera remap functionality online, but there were a few things in the background, and the search/camera remap has been moved to Hydra. Sleipnir is going to be barebones, how stock should have been. If you want to change something like the status bar, the directions and methods of doing so are simple and stated in the Hydra OP, feel free to do it yourself. Working on a ROM, or making one your own, is easy, and I encourage and have documented how to do so - also easily, and readily available, I cannot cater to everyone and will not try to waste time doing so. Input is always welcome, as per usual, but only to make the ROM better for everyone, not just one person or a few people. Development, what little is left, for this ROM will pick back up once I'm 100%, but since what I'm on currently is working correctly and there appears to be a couple issues with the current RC build, I'm going to release what I'm on now. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but random reboots appear to be 'normal,' this is something I've experienced on the three OE's I've owned, on stock, pre and post ZV4/5 firmware. Another bug one can find that is also present on the phone out of the box, is a Bluetooth reboot bug, whereby if you turn on bluetooth, try connecting to a device via bluetooth, and turn off bluetooth mid-way through the connecting process, the phone's screen will flicker a couple of times, go black, and reboot from the bootanimation point. Also, for those wondering, and I'm not sure if it was mentioned in this thread or not, but the theme chooser is outdated and Hashtag has said this himself. It has issues with Sleipnir's theme, for a few different reasons. And, if you're going to modify or create your own theme, as I've said before use the one in Aeneas or Hydra. A modified Sleipnir theme isn't going to work properly on Sleipnir if you're not going to be thorough (there are extra files, changes to xml, etc.), though it should on other ROMs (including Hydra). There is also sections on how to report a problem that have been added to both the OP, and the CWM FAQ-GUIDE.