artine, you mentioned a few posts back about sleipnir's final you have an actual version number or "end-of-life" vision as to what it will take to satiate your technological genius for this project?
also, any progress or triumphs for the previously inquired aspect of swiping individual notifications?
As far as the swiping individual notifications, that's on my list of things to look into. As of right now, the final version number (ideally) is v2.4.1, unless there are any bugs to work out in which case the final build will be something after v2.4.1.
Namely, any issues with v2.3.9 will be worked out for v2.4.1, and when either I, myself, or giantpune edit the kernel to have a modified init.rc file for
complete init.d support then that will be in the final revision as well. With working init.d support, I then plan to see if I can't symlink the dalvik-cache to /cache, so it takes up less space in /data and makes use of the ridiculous amount of unused space in /cache. Also, CM Swipe Notifications I will try to get working, and looking into INT2EXT again. As far as the AROMA Installer is concerned, it's not necessary with regards to Sleipnir as Sleipnir is bone-stock with a few extra features and very high efficiency and performance (which should increase even further with complete init.d support).
... and yeah. That's about it, actually. After Sleipnir is "finished," (always open to suggestions, but I will be keeping to the goal of Sleipnir being bone-stock) I will update Hydra's base ROM with the system updates/upgrades of the "final" build of Sleipnir. Then I'm pretty much done, unless there's good suggestions that fit with the goal of Sleipnir, or there needs to be another guide written, or I switch to another device (unlikely in the near future). All in all, there's not much in the way of places to go from here, but there are still some places left.
Why does long pressing the menu button open up quick search? Lol. And the search button doesn't do anything. Not complaining. Just curious. Lol.
Dangit! That was a small oversight on my part, I apologize. It seems that the keylayout file containing the relevant line for the Search button was removed (as a result of my, albeit successful, attempt at the Search Button Remap) and ended up staying that way for v2.3.9. That'll be another correction in the next build, it seems
Actually, I just corrected it in the next build as I was typing this out. Thank you for bringing it to my attention
But, as far as the menu key doing that weirdness, I have no idea
It's not doing that for me, and I haven't flashed the test build yet (meaning I'm on what's been released, identically).
I have a ? About the new update sleipnir 2.3.9. can the mms messagin screen be changed to another color besides white?
I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, it seems I missed your post! As far as that being a setting in the app itself, no you unfortunately cannot change the color. The messaging app in v2.3.9 is from Stock, as I went on a mass-app-replacement from Aeneas and that seemed to fix some other issues from v2.3.8. I hadn't added the black messaging app back in, but be rest assured that it is in the next build.