Android Expert
The status bar was the only thing i didn't really like, everything else is great.
Right now i have Holo Launcher set to hide status bar when i swipe up on the main menu but it only works on the main menu, when i open an app it reappears.
Is there a way to disable it even while running apps?
I don't see a way to have that setting persist while in another app, which I believe is because the effect only stays while the launcher is active, because it can't modify the statusbar itself to allow this to persist across apps.
Here's an update: the system settings icon is not nearly as blurry as it used to be, there is a charging animation now, pop-up dialog windows and the notifications panel were updated and should look better (by a lot), there is a new downloading animation, a new loading icon, and the charging icon on the lock screen is now the same icon that is used for the battery (two different icons was weird). My girlfriend even helped to pick out between a couple of options (like the panel where the carrier's name is listed on the notifications menu) when I couldn't decide, lol.
I've also found a way to update GPS locks, from XDA, and I should have a chance to implement that tonight. I'll also see if I can't add the default wallpaper in Sleipnir to the wallpaper chooser system app, as well as inverting the text on those other apps mentioned.