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Root Rooted EVO 4G to EVO LTE Suggestions?? - Getting Some Old Stuff on my New Phone


Android Expert
Hello All!! :)

I'm baaaaack!! :D:D Well, sorta kinda... I used to be a GUIDE a while back but life took over a wee little bit so haven't had the time I did before...

Speaking of about to NOT have any free time...I still have my original EVO 4G and will be getting an EVO LTE in a day or so. I'm looking to root the phone and wanted to know any suggestions/recommendations from anyone who has gone from EVO to EVO as I have (EarlyMon, you're one, yes??)

I've been rooted for probably a year and a half without any cares or concerns...running smoooooth (..ish...for the most part) with a MikG ROM so I'm a bit RUSTY at this...and SPOILED too because I used unrEVOked's one-click method and didn't have to think too much! :beerglass:

So, I got some re-NOOB-ED (renewed??) questions ;)...

1. As I mentioned above?? Any comments/suggestions/recommendations going from my original EVO to the EVO LTE??

2. Can one use Titanium Backup Pro with both S-ON and S-OFF?? And, if so, can I get rid of bloatware with S-ON (though I'm wondering why I would consider rooting with S-ON...??)??

3. How to I get my Titanium Backup backed-up apps from the SD card on my original EVO to my new EVO?? Copy the Titanium Backup folder to the new phone (or just the apk's that I want)?? I intend on a FRESH install of apps (and I presume that I should NOT try to install data information from my original EVO apps) but I do have some apps that are no longer available.

4. Can I transfer/use some settings files from my original EVO (e.g., Launcher Pro, ChompSMS) saved/backed-up on my original SD card with the new LTE or are those settings file somehow "incompatible" going from old EVO to new one??

I'm sure I'll have more questions....and for those who know me, I'm sure I'll be answering my own questions as well!!:D:D...but just looking for some guidance with my upgrade and what limitations I have/how to use my old Titanium Backup apps.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Evo LTE! I went from OG Evo to LTEvo too. There are a couple one click root methods for ya. Or some that require multiple clicks if you don't mind. I'm a big fan of the HTC Dev method, it's the exact same as I've used on the OG Evo. And you'll definitely want TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) recovery and not CWM.

1. Definitely get s-off. Depending on your hboot version how you get s-off will be different. All the methods are painless especially if you've been through this kinda stuff before.

2. Yep, anybody can use Titanium Backup Pro.

3. If you're going to do a fresh install you can copy the apks you want like you said. Or use Astro File Manager to backup your apps. It will only backup the apks and not the app data.

4. My settings from Apex Launcher and my game saves all transferred over without any issue. Just make sure to backup the app data for those apps and you'll be okay.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Evo LTE! I went from OG Evo to LTEvo too. There are a couple one click root methods for ya. Or some that require multiple clicks if you don't mind. I'm a big fan of the HTC Dev method, it's the exact same as I've used on the OG Evo. And you'll definitely want TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) recovery and not CWM.

1. Definitely get s-off. Depending on your hboot version how you get s-off will be different. All the methods are painless especially if you've been through this kinda stuff before.

2. Yep, anybody can use Titanium Backup Pro.

3. If you're going to do a fresh install you can copy the apks you want like you said. Or use Astro File Manager to backup your apps. It will only backup the apks and not the app data.

4. My settings from Apex Launcher and my game saves all transferred over without any issue. Just make sure to backup the app data for those apps and you'll be okay.

Hey, thanks for the guidance...very much appreciated!!

All the methods are painless especially if you've been through this kinda stuff before.

Painless?? Well not so sure about that unfortunately :afraid: I was very new to this at the time and used unrEVOked one-click so I never ever had the need for SDK or ADB or terminal or anything. So I haven't really been "through" this kinda stuff before, more like "hopped over" it :D

Below is my LTE information. I am also on a Mac. So which rooting method do you suggest??

HBOOT 1.19.0000
OpenDSP v29.
Aug 8, 2012, 15:14:25

Hardware 0003
Software version: 2.13.651.1 710RD

EarlyMon made a comment about the method I might have to use but wasn't sure:

The only s-off that works with your hboot requires Linux, not sure, but I think that you can boot it from your Mac via a live cd. I need to test that myself I guess.


The Regaw One Click method sounds like it's right up your alley. Check it out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1690919

To get s-off check out DirtyRacun here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1964309

I don't know much about it, but I've heard it's been successful for users. There are other ways to get s-off but they require downgrading hboot, which requires bricking your phone. DirtyRacun does indeed require Linux. You can burn it to a LiveCD or just install it on your hard drive. Just google Ubuntu, it's extremely easy to install.
The Regaw One Click method sounds like it's right up your alley. Check it out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1690919

To get s-off check out DirtyRacun here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1964309

I don't know much about it, but I've heard it's been successful for users. There are other ways to get s-off but they require downgrading hboot, which requires bricking your phone. DirtyRacun does indeed require Linux. You can burn it to a LiveCD or just install it on your hard drive. Just google Ubuntu, it's extremely easy to install.

I recognize the DirtyRacun, Ubuntu and burning the CD you're referring to but didn't read too much into it as I wanted to get some guidance first. I'll take a further look into those methods you mentioned...THANKS!
The Regaw One Click method sounds like it's right up your alley. Check it out here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1690919

To get s-off check out DirtyRacun here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1964309

For anyone reading this after me (as I continued to edjumacate myself on the topic!) the Regaw 1-Click method above does NOT give S-OFF; the DirtyRacun DOES give S-OFF.

I need to look a bit more into this with using my MacBook...thanks again!
We need a Mac version of that. Guess I know what I'm doing lol. :)

Hey an idea just popped into my head: Is there a Windows Virtual Machine for MAC??

I'm assuming no, I've never heard of it, but I don't pay attention to MAC's all that much either.
I rooted my LTEvo using regaws on WinXP running in a Parallels virtual machine on a Mac.

Don't know about the latest, but I recall when the panda solution came out, they warned against running Linux in a VM.

Pretty sure I wrote a how-to for Ubuntu on VirtualBox on a Mac in the Evo 4G forum not too long ago, fwiw.

Edit - yeah, here it is. Based on the above article but updated a bit, some of the links there were old.

I rooted my LTEvo using regaws on WinXP running in a Parallels virtual machine on a Mac.

Don't know about the latest, but I recall when the panda solution came out, they warned against running Linux in a VM.

Pretty sure I wrote a how-to for Ubuntu on VirtualBox on a Mac in the Evo 4G forum not too long ago, fwiw.

Edit - yeah, here it is. Based on the above article but updated a bit, some of the links there were old.


yep i added your "how to" into the http://androidforums.com/evo-4g-all...ooting-dummies-guide-gingerbread-edition.html written for the og evo.
Ok, before screwing up again, lol, I checked and the raccoon won't go through a virtual machine on a Mac, so that part won't work for scudder.

Having gone through 4 Evo models, 3 with early s-off, I need a chart just to keep this halfway straight anymore. Lol
Please see our root sticky on this, it gives a good overview.

Using our links saves time. ;) :)

Yes, yes...as you know or I might have mentioned, I actually read the guides and stickies before creating any new threads over the paste couple days. It's just that my request for suggestions specific for migrating from the old EVO to the EVO LTE kinda snowballed into questions covered in the guide :D

Just seeing if there was any EVO to EVO specific comments and windsorclarenc has been very helpful but most everything now is more general "rooting" stuff I see...

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