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Root rooted or waiting?

whatcha gonna do?

  • ROOT!

    Votes: 50 63.3%
  • wait for bootloader.

    Votes: 25 31.6%
  • i have an iphone.

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • wat?

    Votes: 2 2.5%

  • Total voters
I rooted, and there is no reason not too. When 2.2 comes out it will just erase it and I will start it again. Doesn't hurt anything and for the next month I get to have some fun with a few things.

I am not going to remove any bloat, so the better question for some would be why wouldnt you? Cant brick, doesnt hurt, just will get re-written over soon. Who cares?
Upvote 0
I have an idea how to retain root past the Froyo update. We'll see if that works but I'm hesitant to say. I don't think Moto would have a way to plug it before release as they are likely too far down the road on the release. They may have not even plugged the original 2.1 expoit either.

What exploit?:thinking::D
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You would assume ALL phones would clock down when they sleep... :rolleyes:

Ahh... but one can dream, right?

well it looks like my edit didn't make it in (guess I forgot the "save" button)

I also would add that most modern processor clock down and up depending on the work load.
I'm not sure about the processor in the X so I'm just guessing but I would think any device that needs every bit of battery power to be used wisely would do it or have software that does it. You certainly don't need a 1ghz processor for a sleeping phone.

If it doesn't do this they need new engineers. :eek:
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