it is just a precaution is all that it is. just in case you run into issues have a clean phone prior to rooting may make the process that much easier. but that is up to you.why would you want the phone as clean as possible prior to rooting?
did you do all of the steps in the before root section? so make sure that there is htc sync, pda net, double twist installed on the computer. did you install the correct drivers? do you have usb debugging on? is the phone set to charge?Hi, so I rooted my EVO just fine but i lost it on labor day n got a new one. I'm doing exactly what I did before following the instructions but I seem to can't get pass the revolutionary part when i connect my phone. The screen stays at "waiting for device" someone please help, I'm about to lose it lol
So i have gotten s-off but when i reboot to load the .zip it does not show the file. I have checked many times that it is in the root folder. I have also redownloaded and replaced the file but still no luck.
make sure that you are not putting it in a folder named root. it needs to be just on the card and not in any folders at all.