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Saved Drowning Boy, Killed my Phone

I just Added 15 dollars to your fund. I hope others do the same. Also, It would be nice if you keep us posted as to when you reach your goal.
I think we are confused on the word choice here. In his case, jumping into a pool with a phone in the pocket is a "cause" for the broken phone, but definitely not a "fault".
I just Added 15 dollars to your fund. I hope others do the same. Also, It would be nice if you keep us posted as to when you reach your goal.

It's nice to see people be selfless like that. I couldn't have done that, but only cuz I can't swim.:( Added a ten spot for ya. Like Padre said, let us know how it works out!:)
I think we are confused on the word choice here. In his case, jumping into a pool with a phone in the pocket is a "cause" for the broken phone, but definitely not a "fault".

Leaving the phone in his pocket when near a pool WAS a fault. As I have said before, if it were my kid, I would take FULL blame and try and pay for entire phone, BUT Darin has to take his share of blame.

We should all learn a lesson from this. If you are going to be near a pool, take anything out of your pockets before you end up in the pool.
I just Added 15 dollars to your fund. I hope others do the same. Also, It would be nice if you keep us posted as to when you reach your goal.

Cool... the tally so far is up to $45.

We should all learn a lesson from this. If you are going to be near a pool, take anything out of your pockets before you end up in the pool.

Geez, yeah, if there is one thing anyone should take away from this, it's that you never know what's going to happen. I didn't plan on going swimming at the party so I didn't wear my swim trunks, which made me think it would be ok to just keep my phone in my pocket... but life had other plans, and apparently I was going swimming that day (or should I fishing).

- Darin
I just read this whole thread and something about it just doesn't sit right with me. You did a good thing by helping the boy. You were in the right place at the right time for him and his parents should be (and probably are) very greatful.

However, why do you feel 'entitled' to get a new phone out the ordeal. It was unfortunate that it was in your pocket, but things happen. What if you dropped your phone on the pavement while getting out of the car before you got to the pool? You didn't purchase insurance. You are out of luck, period.

I think you should stop asking for handouts from Verizon, your parents, from the parents of the kid, and from people on this forum. Man up, take responsibility, and just figure out on your own how to pay for a new damn phone.
I just read this whole thread and something about it just doesn't sit right with me. You did a good thing by helping the boy. You were in the right place at the right time for him and his parents should be (and probably are) very greatful.

However, why do you feel 'entitled' to get a new phone out the ordeal. It was unfortunate that it was in your pocket, but things happen. What if you dropped your phone on the pavement while getting out of the car before you got to the pool? You didn't purchase insurance. You are out of luck, period.

I think you should stop asking for handouts from Verizon, your parents, from the parents of the kid, and from people on this forum. Man up, take responsibility, and just figure out on your own how to pay for a new damn phone.

Take responsibility? All he wants is his phone back. He hasn't asked for anything from anyone except the parents of the kid and VZ. He just wants to be made "whole" prior to helping the kid. I'm surprised the boy's dad only feels his son's life is worth $350. I could understand not being able to afford $600, but it sounds more like he just doesn't want to pay $600 (of course this is all from reading Darin's side so some things could have been lost in translation).
I just read this whole thread and something about it just doesn't sit right with me. You did a good thing by helping the boy. You were in the right place at the right time for him and his parents should be (and probably are) very greatful.

However, why do you feel 'entitled' to get a new phone out the ordeal. It was unfortunate that it was in your pocket, but things happen. What if you dropped your phone on the pavement while getting out of the car before you got to the pool? You didn't purchase insurance. You are out of luck, period.

I think you should stop asking for handouts from Verizon, your parents, from the parents of the kid, and from people on this forum. Man up, take responsibility, and just figure out on your own how to pay for a new damn phone.

If only there were more daves123 in this world... :rolleyes:

And if you actually read the entire thread, you'd see Darin at no point suggested people contribute money to him. Members of the forum suggested it. As for him being out of line by asking the kid's parents to help replace the phone, if you truly think he doesn't at least have the right to ask, then I really do question the type of person you are.
hey buddy lurking from the eris forums here haha, i think I may have a solution to your problem that's a little (not much) easier on your wallet =)

you can go to verizon to add a line to your account, and get a new incredible with the new line price (150 bucks if you go through amazon.com) I just did the math two years at 9.99 a month is about 240 bucks, so altogether you would be paying $390 for it, 150 now and 240 over two years. Just a thought :D good luck getting everything taken care of, sounds like youre in quite the predicament. keep in mind you'll have to ESN change the Inc. to your line, and put a "dumbphone" on the new line, otherwise it will charge the 29.99 data plan
However, why do you feel 'entitled' to get a new phone out the ordeal.

I never mentioned that I feel like I'm entitled to a new phone... I just feel like it's the right thing for the parents to do. If I truly felt like I was entitled to a new phone, I could just take the parents to small claims court. Drownings are a big deal in Arizona, and I can't imagine a judge would side with negligent parents. But I'm not going that route because that's not me.

I do know that if someone saved my child from drowning, I'd be whipping out the credit card... monetarily it would suck for me, but the alternative is worse.

What if you dropped your phone on the pavement while getting out of the car before you got to the pool?

If that were the case then no one would be at fault but me.

You didn't purchase insurance. You are out of luck, period.

Verizon had a difference stance, they were willing to make an exception given the circumstances... granted it was for an Droid Eris.

I think you should stop asking for handouts from Verizon, your parents, from the parents of the kid, and from people on this forum.

I haven't asked for a handout from the members here... people are being generous out of their own accord, not by any goading from me. My parents never came up once in this thread, so not sure where that came from.

- Darin
If only there were more daves123 in this world... :rolleyes:

And if you actually read the entire thread, you'd see Darin at no point suggested people contribute money to him. Members of the forum suggested it. As for him being out of line by asking the kid's parents to help replace the phone, if you truly think he doesn't at least have the right to ask, then I really do question the type of person you are.

The type of person that I am is one that doesn't ask for handouts. No, I do not belive he should have asked the kids parents, to help pay for the new phone. I actually think it was rude to do so. I also realize that someone else suggested he establish a paypal donation, but he sure didn't waste any time doing it, did he?

Like I said, it's unfortunate that his phone got trashed, but he does not 'deserve' to get a free replacement. You need to separate the good deed he did with the fact that his phone broke. In my opinion, too many people these days are looking for a free ride. He's not 'entitled' to a new phone.

What happens if Darin ends up with more than $600 from all these people? Will he give money back? I doubt it. Darin, give all the money back and save up for a new phone yourself, (and buy insurance next time).
I never mentioned that I feel like I'm entitled to a new phone... I just feel like it's the right thing for the parents to do. If I truly felt like I was entitled to a new phone, I could just take the parents to small claims court. Drownings are a big deal in Arizona, and I can't imagine a judge would side with negligent parents. But I'm not going that route because that's not me.

I do know that if someone saved my child from drowning, I'd be whipping out the credit card... monetarily it would suck for me, but the alternative is worse.

If that were the case then no one would be at fault but me.

Verizon had a difference stance, they were willing to make an exception given the circumstances... granted it was for an Droid Eris.

I haven't asked for a handout from the members here... people are being generous out of their own accord, not by any goading from me. My parents never came up once in this thread, so not sure where that came from.

- Darin

Of course you're asking for handouts. You established a paypal account and posted the address here.

As for your parents, my mistake. I thought you asked them to replace your phone also.
Daves, did the people of Haiti who lost their homes not deserve to be helped because they didn't get insurance?

Did the people of New Orleans not deserve help because they did not get insurance?

This is America. We help each other out.

'Deserving' it or not isn't the point. When it comes down to it, life is about giving, and that's what makes the world and America so great.

Darin saved a life. And for that we thank him. Some through words, and some through donations.

We are the world. Like it or not.
hey buddy lurking from the eris forums here haha, i think I may have a solution to your problem that's a little (not much) easier on your wallet =)

you can go to verizon to add a line to your account, and get a new incredible with the new line price (150 bucks if you go through amazon.com) I just did the math two years at 9.99 a month is about 240 bucks, so altogether you would be paying $390 for it, 150 now and 240 over two years. Just a thought :D good luck getting everything taken care of, sounds like youre in quite the predicament. keep in mind you'll have to ESN change the Inc. to your line, and put a "dumbphone" on the new line, otherwise it will charge the 29.99 data plan

I'm pretty sure that it's required to have a data plan with the Incredible, so I don't think you can make it a "dumbphone". So I would end up having to pay for the data plan for my broken phone, as well as the data plan for the new line.

Am I missing something?

- Darin
Daves, did the people of Haiti who lost their homes not deserve to be helped because they didn't get insurance?

Did the people of New Orleans not deserve help because they did not get insurance?

This is America. We help each other out.

'Deserving' it or not isn't the point. When it comes down to it, life is about giving, and that's what makes the world and America so great.

Darin saved a life. And for that we thank him. Some through words, and some through donations.

We are the world. Like it or not.

*queues up Michael Jackson's We are the World*

Your biggest mistake: not having insurance. Who's fault is that? yours. Not the parents of the kid. I would gladly ruin my phone to save a persons life. And if I could not afford to get a new one, I would get a cheap phone to use until I could afford one.

you seem to think you are entitled to some reward.
Well, I can't say much that already hasn't been said, but I would like to point out for all the people asking for proof, Darin DID post a link to a picture of his phone, but I don't think anyone noticed:

Picasa Web Albums - Darin

And from what I can tell, the water damage indicator has been activated, it looks pretty much solid pink/red to me.

With that said, kudos to you Darin, I wish you the best and good luck with getting a new phone.


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good luck Darin - I sent $8 your way ....

On a side note - another forum I am on for canon cameras - a member had purchased a $1700 lens from Criagslist for $1000 used. Couple months later, gets a call from the cops - the lens was stolen property. Short story: the person the lens was stolen from got it back, the forum member was out $1000; then the forum stepped up w/ donations totalling $2200 and the member was able to buy the newer version of the lens ($2500) for $2200 after a retailer, hearing his story, discounted the new lens for him.

Darin, even if you don't get enough in donations to cover your loss, you will always be able to sleep at night knowing that you were willing to sacrifice your INC to save that boy's life. Regardless of the issues of the parents etc, I'm confident that you made the CORRECT choice in your actions - and I think that you'd agree.

I hope that if I'm ever faced with that situation, I would make the choice that you did, and that's why clicked on my paypal ...
you seem to think you are entitled to some reward.

I'm not expecting any type of reward, I just wanted to be made whole by the parents.

I hate to say it, but if the parents weren't negligent, none of this would have ever happened. The mom, who was the only one in the backyard at the time, thought the kid was in the bathroom with the dad. I know it's easy to loose track of your kids, but for God's sake, it's a pool party not a mall.

I understand the importance of a life, I have three boys of my own, and if this were to happen to one of them, I'd be more than willing to flip the bill for as much as my credit card could handle.

And from what I can tell, the water damage indicator has been activated, it looks pretty much solid pink/red to me.

I will say, as I mentioned in a previous post, that both water indicators (on the phone and the battery) seem to be intact. Maybe a little darker than they should be, but they are both in tact.

And with regard to the paypal stuff... I really don't know what I'm going to do with what's been given ($53 so far). It doesn't feel right taking it, so I'm still 'out to lunch' on that one.

Like I said before, I might be able to make enough on the selling of my broken Incredible where I won't have to pay that much to Verizon, and yes I'm getting insurance this time. You never think you're going to need it until you jump in a pool to save some kids life.

- Darin
The type of person that I am is one that doesn't ask for handouts. No, I do not belive he should have asked the kids parents, to help pay for the new phone. I actually think it was rude to do so. I also realize that someone else suggested he establish a paypal donation, but he sure didn't waste any time doing it, did he?

Like I said, it's unfortunate that his phone got trashed, but he does not 'deserve' to get a free replacement. You need to separate the good deed he did with the fact that his phone broke. In my opinion, too many people these days are looking for a free ride. He's not 'entitled' to a new phone.

What happens if Darin ends up with more than $600 from all these people? Will he give money back? I doubt it. Darin, give all the money back and save up for a new phone yourself, (and buy insurance next time).

First of all, it's disturbing to see a Mod "thank" this post.

Second, read Jamor's post. He sums up my thoughts quite nicely.

Third, your reading comprehension is awful. No one said he "deserves" a new phone. Simply that if people are willing to help out a guy who helped out someone else, then there is nothing wrong with that. Personally, I think the parents of the kid should help out, but if they refuse, there is nothing wrong with others voluntarily contributing their own money. Darin posted his paypal information reluctantly if you actually read the thread. If you were in his position and being urged to, you would also.

Fourth, under your line of thinking, the kid Darin jumped in after didn't "deserve" to get rescued. I mean, hell, he didn't do anything for Darin.
Daves, did the people of Haiti who lost their homes not deserve to be helped because they didn't get insurance?

Did the people of New Orleans not deserve help because they did not get insurance?

This is America. We help each other out.

'Deserving' it or not isn't the point. When it comes down to it, life is about giving, and that's what makes the world and America so great.

Darin saved a life. And for that we thank him. Some through words, and some through donations.

We are the world. Like it or not.

You've got to be kidding me. You're comparing his water logged phone to Haiti and New Orleans? Wow.
I never mentioned that I feel like I'm entitled to a new phone... I just feel like it's the right thing for the parents to do. If I truly felt like I was entitled to a new phone, I could just take the parents to small claims court. Drownings are a big deal in Arizona, and I can't imagine a judge would side with negligent parents. But I'm not going that route because that's not me.

Really you would try to take them to court because they werent able to keep an eye on their child 24/7? that is terrible to even consider that. You should have purchased insurance for the phone. You did a good deed but you can't expect parents to fork over that kind of money with the way the economy is these days.
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