First of all, it's disturbing to see a Mod "thank" this post.
Second, read Jamor's post. He sums up my thoughts quite nicely.
Third, your reading comprehension is awful. No one said he "deserves" a new phone. Simply that if people are willing to help out a guy who helped out someone else, then there is nothing wrong with that. Personally, I think the parents of the kid should help out, but if they refuse, there is nothing wrong with others voluntarily contributing their own money. Darin posted his paypal information reluctantly if you actually read the thread. If you were in his position and being urged to, you would also.
Fourth, under your line of thinking, the kid Darin jumped in after didn't "deserve" to get rescued. I mean, hell, he didn't do anything for Darin.
My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you. I was the one who said that it appears that he thinks he deserves a new phone.
Noone was holding a gun to his head to post his paypal info. And no, I would never give my paypal account asking for donations, ever.
As far as your last statement... I never said anything about his rescuing the kid. If it happened as he says, than congrats on him.