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Saved Drowning Boy, Killed my Phone

Why don't you people go watch the news and donate to clean up the BP oil spill instead of some kid's phone?

There are a lot of out of work Americans that BP could pay to clean up the spill. I don't see how a multinational oil company should get handouts from us to clean up THEIR mess. While I agree it is an unimaginable disaster, it is fully BP's responsibility, and they can spend every penny they have to clean it up as far as I'm concerned.

And, Darin, good luck getting some money for your phone. I don't have any, or I would send you some.
if it was me, then I would not take any donation. This is an Incredible we are talking about and not just a regular phone. If I can afford this phone and decide to jump in the pool to save someone, then great for me being unselfish. However, it is totally wrong to ask for others to chip in and buy me a new phone. If anything, then any phone should do. I could afford this phone, therefore, I should not ask for donation in return. Then again this is just my opinion. :)
I've been reading this thread for a day or so and I am amazed. Heres my $.02.

If the incident happened......you did a great thing. God bless you!
If it didnt happen......Karma is a bitch.

If your a member and want to donate.....great!
If your a member and think that its stupid....great again!

Theres really no need to have soo much drama about it. I dont understand why some people want to sit back and say he does or doesn't deserve money. If you dont like whats going on then just leave the thread alone. Giving an opinion about the situation is really a waste of breath. You could make the best argument against the donations, or the parents paying, or Verizon giving him a brand new phone (didnt happen) but noone that feels differently will care.

I hope you get your new phone and I hope that the members that have given $ feel good for helping you out. I also hope that you dont turn out to be the person that keeps sending me emails about my lottery winnings that I need to give my SS Number, address, date of birth, and moms madien number to get.
Don't know if this is posted. Reading this at work.

Take the $350.

Take the Eris for $50.

Sell the Eris for $150.

Now you are $70 away from a new Incredible. Paypal donations should get you there quickly.
First of all, it's disturbing to see a Mod "thank" this post.

Mods are allowed to thank posts and are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions on matters as are all the users of the forums.... :)

All - This seems to be getting a bit too heated. Stop, go for a walk and relax! No attacking other members and no name calling. :) :)
Having a BS in Computer Science you should have a few tools laying around to pry that bad boy apart.

I don't know that a BS in computer science gives him any hardware knowledge. My education was mostly in software, with hardware theory.

I knew a bit about hardware, but I didn't learn that in college.

That being said, you may want to contact HTC and see if they will repair it for you (of course at a price).
you move the incredible to your number, and either have the store put a broken phone or maybe an old verizon phone you have lying around onto the new number :D this drops the 29.99/mo

Tommy, are you sure that I can do this and Verizon is not going to try and screw me? I don't want to add a line, order the phone, and then find out I can't remove the data plan from my current broken phone.

On the Verizon site, I did go as far as clicking on the link to Add a Line, and then under the portion where it lets me select the phone, it does show that I can get the Incredible for $200. So it looks like this may be the most viable option as it would save about $100.

I just don't want to go forward if I won't be able to remove the data plan from my broken phone. Has anyone tried removing the data plan from their broken phone to see if Verizon will let them? I guess I can call Verizon and ask them.

- Darin
Tommy, are you sure that I can do this and Verizon is not going to try and screw me? I don't want to add a line, order the phone, and then find out I can't remove the data plan from my current broken phone.

On the Verizon site, I did go as far as clicking on the link to Add a Line, and then under the portion where it lets me select the phone, it does show that I can get the Incredible for $200. So it looks like this may be the most viable option as it would save about $100.

I just don't want to go forward if I won't be able to remove the data plan from my broken phone. Has anyone tried removing the data plan from their broken phone to see if Verizon will let them? I guess I can call Verizon and ask them.

- Darin

Will Verizon even allow me to do this? What's to stop someone from adding 10 extra lines, ordering 10 Incredibles, disabling the data plans, and then reselling the phones on eBay and pocketing $1000+ overall?

This doesn't sound like a legit means to get a new phone.

- Darin
Will Verizon even allow me to do this? What's to stop someone from adding 10 extra lines, ordering 10 Incredibles, disabling the data plans, and then reselling the phones on eBay and pocketing $1000+ overall?

This doesn't sound like a legit means to get a new phone.

- Darin

Yes, but you must take your broken Incredible off as the phone for the line. Even though it's not functioning, it will still register as a device that requires a data plan in VZW's system. Find an old dumbphone with ESN you can register as the phone for that line and there goes the data plan (as far as I know).

If you call VZW, I'm sure they'd be happy to help explain further.
I think you should call/email/facebook HTC and tell them your story, and see if they would repair your incredible on the cheap for you. No harm in trying, eh? Good companies can get behind people doing good deeds. I have heard of crazier things happening.
Wow. Darin, what you did was a great thing. People who think he is scamming, don't donate, simple as that. Don't troll. He never ASKED anyone here for money. He told the story of how he broke his phone (doing something heroic none the less) and was asking what people thought the cheapest way to fix it/get a new one was. And as far as him not posting until his phone was damaged, so what? I'm sure MANY people here who are active or semi-active members didn't join until they had a problem with their phone. He never asked for a penny from anyone here. Some members WANTED to reward him for his good deed and he got attacked. If you don't want to donate to him, that is fine, don't. No one is asking you to. But that doesn't mean you need to attack him, call him a liar, or any of the other nonsense going on. He only asked for advice on if there were other options for repairing/replacing a water damaged phone. If people want to help him of their own free will, no one has asked or forced them to help, let them. If he is lying, that sucks and they were had, if he is telling the truth they helped a man who did something very noble. This is something that should be left to each individual to decide, not a moderator or the community. He told his story, people asked him to set up a donate button, leave it be.

Darin you are awesome. If this had been my child I would have given you some sort of token of gratitude immediately, even without knowing that your property was damaged. I am very glad the parents are willing to help with the costs and I think it is very kind of you to sell the damaged one on ebay and give the money back to the family. You are under no obligation to defray their costs, but because you seem like a genuinely good person, you are helping. The world could do with a few more people with this kind of attitude.
Damn good thing you did there. Kept your head and did the right thing. I'm sure that once that kid understands what you did for him he'll be grateful.

The only question I have about this story is...
Yay!! Until I get out of the phone and remember, uh, my new Incredible!!
What were you doing in your phone in the first place? :rolleyes:
wow this thread is getting drug out

1. Darin if this really happened, good for you, congrats, you saved a kid....seriously.

2. you shoulda thought about your phone, i have had my cheap eris for months now and it was on my mind constantly when i was around a pool last weekend.

you have a brand new expensive phone, it was kinda boneheaded to leave it in your pocket.

3. should the parent pay, maybe they should, maybe they should pay part, whatever. you can look at it a bunch of ways. i think them offering 350 is generous as hell IMO. you can't make it a cut and dry "how much is your kids life worth thing"

if I traded places with the parents you speak of and the exact thing happened you would be lucky to get 350 out of me. not because im cheap or i dont value my kids life but because times are tough.....period.

otoh though if these people had mad loot, they drove to the party in a new porsche, and this happened, i am SURE things would be different and they wouldn't have a problem replacing the phone in full (i know if i had the means i would)

shit happens man, you saved a kid and that is awesome, you ruined your phone and that is a bummer, the parents at least offered you half, you should be happy.
I just wanted to add to my above post.
1. If it were my kid, like I said, I would have given you something. I would not be able to buy you a new phone because i have all of $200 to my name, I would tell you that, and give you what i could afford, and offer to possibly give you more over time.
2. I would not be a total prick and tell you it was your fault for having an electronic around the pool, you weren't planing on swimming. I have jumped in pools with non water proof watches on, sometimes you simply forget what you have on you. ESPECIALLY when there is a life at stake.
3. I think you did the right thing by just taking what the parents offered and not pushing for more.
4. If I could, I would donate to you to help. I know times are tough, I had to take out a loan from family to pay my rent this month, and if it were my kid, like i said, I'd have given you every spare penny I had and probably written a letter to the local paper about how amazing what you did for me was (I enjoy writing if you can't tell lol)
Will Verizon even allow me to do this? What's to stop someone from adding 10 extra lines, ordering 10 Incredibles, disabling the data plans, and then reselling the phones on eBay and pocketing $1000+ overall?

This doesn't sound like a legit means to get a new phone.

- Darin

yep, no problem (i actually work at big red) :D i can do it for you if you want. Just PM me once you get the new one, and I'll ESN change it (or you can do it online at verizon.com) you'll have to put the old phone (NOT broken incredible, has to be a phone that doesnt require data) on the new number first, then change from your broken incredible to the new one on your current number. If you do that backwards it will tell you the ESN number is already in use, since it would still be on the new line. When you change to the dumbphone it will automatically drop the data plan! if you have any questions, like I said feel free to PM me and I'll help you out, I feel for your situation man. And btw, this is perfectly okay with verizon, as they get a two year contract out of the deal!
Will Verizon even allow me to do this? What's to stop someone from adding 10 extra lines, ordering 10 Incredibles, disabling the data plans, and then reselling the phones on eBay and pocketing $1000+ overall?

This doesn't sound like a legit means to get a new phone.

- Darin

it's legit, and I guess someone could do that if they wanted, i never thought of that! lol and as far as the data plan staying, go ahead and put the dumbphone on your current number and you'll see the data plan is removed! :)
A "fellow member" who joined the site only to post this experience. Yeah some people just aren't this gullible, no need to get mad at the people who aren't donating.

when did I get mad at the people who weren't donating? I actually didn't donate... I'm mad at the guys who are for some reason upset that he would accept VOLUNTARY donations? Why do you care? Why are you guys even still lurking around here if you have nothing but negative input for the situation? Sorry it just grinds my gears a little....
I just read this whole thread and something about it just doesn't sit right with me. You did a good thing by helping the boy. You were in the right place at the right time for him and his parents should be (and probably are) very greatful.

However, why do you feel 'entitled' to get a new phone out the ordeal. It was unfortunate that it was in your pocket, but things happen. What if you dropped your phone on the pavement while getting out of the car before you got to the pool? You didn't purchase insurance. You are out of luck, period.

I think you should stop asking for handouts from Verizon, your parents, from the parents of the kid, and from people on this forum. Man up, take responsibility, and just figure out on your own how to pay for a new damn phone.

True, pretty much agree with you. He could be scamming all these people on here. Sure its their money, but it only feeds a scammers ability to start taking on larger ventures which may affect others or myself.

Actually, I'd like people to donate to me as well, since I helped save 2 people on Lake of the Woods, MN during memorial weekend. My phone got soaked and started to act funny before I threw it in the glove box of the fishing boat before it completely died. Though, I had no choice but to use the phone to help give coordinates to other boats etc to where the capsized boat was hopefully at. I've got a few pics and 2-3 30 second videos of after the 2 people were saved when 2 friends and I pulled the capsized boat back in to a bay to use a sand bar to help flip the boat over. This of course, is after the weather tamed back down a bit that we were able to pull the boat in to shore(fortunately the anchor of the capsized boat held it in place pretty much during the storm). One guy stood ready with a knife to cut the line if our boat started to take in water which we never did luckily. Our spped on the lake pulling the boat, 1-2 MPH as what the GPS gave us. I think the Turtles were quicker than us that day.

Though, the storm started to roll back in after the boat was flipped. We had another 1/2 mile to go still, but made it fine. Facebook Scott Anderson(city of Coon Rapids/and or Upsala) and my profile pic shows the boat flipped as were pulling. The rest of the vids, and pics are set to private. Call the Sheriffs office at Baudette as there is a 911 call made for more proof.

Now I want "Mo Money" to fix my phone that may have a short life span.:cool:
Well, I can't say much that already hasn't been said, but I would like to point out for all the people asking for proof, Darin DID post a link to a picture of his phone, but I don't think anyone noticed:

Picasa Web Albums - Darin

And from what I can tell, the water damage indicator has been activated, it looks pretty much solid pink/red to me.

With that said, kudos to you Darin, I wish you the best and good luck with getting a new phone.

Thats just proof A PHONE got wet. Lets see a drivers license with the name, most of the address, picture on it at the least. Doesn't need to have any pertinent info for all to see, but to at least have some more info to go on. Maybe the whole drivers license sent to one of the Administrators or mods to view, along with a phone call possibly just saying thanks to a mod for doing it and vouching the best a mod can under the circumstances. That would make me more happy for sure.
Thats just proof A PHONE got wet. Lets see a drivers license with the name, most of the address, picture on it at the least. Doesn't need to have any pertinent info for all to see, but to at least have some more info to go on. Maybe the whole drivers license sent to one of the Administrators or mods to view, along with a phone call possibly just saying thanks to a mod for doing it and vouching the best a mod can under the circumstances. That would make me more happy for sure.

What would this accomplish (curious)?

Ultimately, donate if you feel comfortable doing so and believe the OP. If you don't feel comfortable donating or can't donate or don't believe the OP, then don't donate. It really is that simple.

I can't see AF saying things are legit or not with this guy as I would imagine that they would be liable too if things went south.
Thats just proof A PHONE got wet. Lets see a drivers license with the name, most of the address, picture on it at the least. Doesn't need to have any pertinent info for all to see, but to at least have some more info to go on. Maybe the whole drivers license sent to one of the Administrators or mods to view, along with a phone call possibly just saying thanks to a mod for doing it and vouching the best a mod can under the circumstances. That would make me more happy for sure.

Speak for yourself. No one else seems to be questioning him and/or asking for him to make private information public. Besides, this would accomplish nothing as far as proving the validity of his story.

That said, the curious person I am, I googled his email address and searched for it on Facebook, and he checks out.
Well, its better than going off of nothing. Obviously shy of knowing the guy/ having vids/ pics bla bla for hard evidence. AF doesn't have to say its legit, just that he proved his real name etc, voice verified even. They can state a disclaimer that they are not responsible etc, just relaying the info. Or just have a mod do it. Is a mod an employee of the forum?

Otherwise, the owner of AF shouldn't allow any paypal info or links to be posted that are for monetary purposes. But since AF has been allowing it, should we allow obvious scammers on here to post for money as well, plus let sponsors have free advertising etc.(The last one maybe a little to far off the edge)

Scammer can be pretty suave if they(are smart) want to be. We just need a bit more evidence than 15 posts & I saved a child, and thanks for the donations.

Again, not saying anyone(him) actually is because none of us actually know. There needs to be something more to go on, or AF shouldn't allow monetary transactions(gifts of money) etc to be facilitated through the forums.
Well, I can tell you that ALL of those things are currently being discussed by the mods and admins. As for now however, they have decided that this thread is ok to stay (obviously that can be changed at any moment).

As stated above, donate if you feel comfortable doing so and believe the OP. If you don't feel comfortable donating or can't donate or don't believe the OP, then don't donate. It really is that simple.

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