Oh...im sorry I missunderstood you...yes in that case try the first download. That one has long sms to mms conversion Disabled. Try the second too if you like...its from Metropolis so it converts long sms to mms but with extra features. Maybe that will work too. Cause if I'm understanding you...you cant send any long sms...it doesnt split it or convert it to mms. Is that right?
Yeah doesn't split it turned into MMS but then the MMS would fail to send which is weird because I can send picture messages just not long text. By the way I tried the first one with the MMS conversion disabled and all it did was delete the current messaging app that I have but when I go in to rootexplorer and search for it the MMS apk is there and when I tried to install it says installed failed and I have no messaging app...
I'll try the second one though.