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Help slide out keyboard issues?


Nov 7, 2010
i don't know if its my amagination but when im using the slideout keyboard and im texting , it seems like when i push the letters or numbers the keyboard will not register my key press? cause i look at my text and i'd be missing like a letter in a word or something. I could of sworn i did hit it to. Just wondering if someone out there is having maybe the same issue with theirs not registering their key press also?

either that its just me having a hard time trying to get used to this phone.cause i came from having the env phones to the droid 2 on verizon, then to the epic... keyboard is a little bit difficult for me 2 type on sometimes idk why. also this is my 3rd epic and its been since oct 3rd that i had this phone and sprint service.

so let me know thanks in advance
I am on my second epic first becuase the phone was scratching my keys when i opened it. The rep there tried to tell me it was a cosmetic issue due to the case i was using but it was a stock case from sprint, so they replaced it and gave me a new one. I havent noticed and issues from key lag of the inputs but what did you tell the reps when you went??? did they just say ok and trade it out, and what are the reasons you guys are exchanging your epics just due to this problem or have there been other ones???
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hey there well thats good to know that this is a known issue.that really sux tho cause im on my 3rd one.

the first epic, the lock button would not lock the screen it would stay lit up till it went off...took back got another one.....

2nd epic, the charging port was messed up some how. i unplugged it from charging and then on the notification bar on the top it kept saying usb charging, then it would go away and come back. non stop. i don't know why.

3rd epic, i hit letters or number on keyboard and it don't seem to register , sometimes... but im probly just going 2 keep it unless it get worse.
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My epic has the same issue....its very very very very annoying.:mad::mad::mad: i can't stand it. A tip is if you turn off "auto-replace" "auto-cap" and "auto-punctuate" in the language & keyboard setting. it helps a lot with this issue, but it doesnt stop the issue completly... :(
try it and see for yourself! you have nothing to lose :)
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im really dying to know if ppl who claim to not have the issue are full of shit or its true ... i jut received my 6th epic but am waiting to switch over to it ... ive tried disabling the "auto" settings on launch day n it didnt do dick ..... not saying its that way for all devices because some to claim they have no keyboard issue . . its a shame the phone sprint claims to be one if their best, if not the best has such a known issue . one of course they claim to have never heard of ...... i tell them ill gladly give them the web addresses to the lengthy discussions in regards to the isssue
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