The amount of money makes NO difference here, someone trying to quit, needs, and will try anything to quit. See above^^. I don't care if Iowa didn't need e-support or was just seeking a pat on the back, it doesn't really matter. This thread could very well convince someone to quit who hasn't really been considering it (like me, maybe) and for that I salute Iowa. Word up player!!
I agree with the amount, but going off a comment IOWA made to the mactdtdwhatever. "I make more money than you" and since I tended to agree somewhat with M-Droid, I just thought I better qualify my opinion with an "I make less than you so........."
my PERSONAL hatred of smoking came from an ex-wife who smoked and left her waterbottles full of cigarrettes everywhere. She was very inconsiderate with her smoking and just made the place look very trashy on our entry way because there were about 50 water bottles, but STILL, 1/2 smoked, 1/2 cigs laying around (that she would never smoke but still insisted on saving). Well, one day while cleaning her mess up, on a hot summer day, I wasn't looking and grabbed what I thought was MY CLEAN water bottle and took a big swig. Well, as you can probably already guess, it was one of her cig water bottles and I swallowed one butt, and then puked. It was the most VILE thing ever. I then called her to voice my displeasure. she laughed.

I tell you what, at that moment in time, I understood why some men beat their women.... I have never ever hit a woman, and I'm glad she wasn't there because I honestly don't know what my reaction would have exactly been with her standing in front of me, but I know one thing, I wanted to hit someone.
My phone took the brunt of my frustration that day.
So while I'm sure there are considerate smokers, and inconsiderate ones out there, I naturally view smokers in that ex-wife category. It's a deal breaker when dating girls for me now. I will NOT pursue anything more than booty calls with a girl who smokes.
FWIW, I also told my wife one time "[our child]'s 2nd mommy won't smoke, I'll make sure of that" That did not fly over very well obviously.
So while I tend to agree with m-droid on the praising and congrating giving it up is silly, I will congrat IOWA's family and loved ones that they now don't have to deal with it and I hope he does stay quit so they aren't continued to be punished for his bad choices. Cigs are a VERY selfish habit.