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Sprint Airave (Post #1 has a quick "FAQ" for help)

these units are mini cell towers.

if you removed the unit and your VZW phones signal jumped up to full strength, and it go to poor strength when the unit is plugged up, seems you proven the point for the class. :)

usually you hear more people who use this unit will have the cell phones in the house on sprint (or VZW as they have one also) so one would not usually check if it impedes other carrier devices, but in your case it seems like it does some harm to your VZW signal...
My wife is able to use her's for free. We turn it off though because it is constantly malfunctioning. She wants out of her contract but doesn't want to pay the high ETF.
I have to pay $109.87 a month for this crap! Sprint have you lost your freaking mind!!:mad:

Not sure how that happened because Sprint's been handing them out like candy and waving the cost. Only stipulation is you use it and if not; return it. Are you certain you're actually being charged that much to use it? It's my understanding it shows on the bill as a credit they give and take each month.
Repeaters help a lot. I live 10 miles from the closest Sprint tower and I get 4 to 5 bars in my house and shop and about 700K data. Without a repeater on a good day if you stand in the street you maybe able to get a call but will drop. A vehicle repeater boosts signal about 1 bar it seems.
I’ve tried a zillion of these boosters and have never seen one do a dang thing. Some of them actually say they don’t, that they’re just trying to get push money.

But for what it’s worth, I still use Internet Connection Booster, just because it acts so serious and carries no pushy ads. And because I had to pick something, after all that futile searching.
but only the new model

You mean the Sprint 2.5?

Or, as you mentioned, the
Samsung Airave?

edit: never mind. Now that the original thread was merged into this one, I’ve learned ugly things.
Hope this is the correct forum to post in if not, I apologize.

I have an Airave (Sprint) and just got two HTC One's yesterday. For whatever reason I cannot send text when connected to the Airave. I can receive text but not send. My sons iPhone works fine and both of my Evo's worked fine, it's just the One's with the issues. Everything else is fine also (calls....etc).

Last night CS and I worked for about an hour updating the One's PRL...etc and rebooting the Airave multiple times to no avail. Has anyone else here experienced this? If so, have you had any resolution? My Airave model is the 2.5 version.

Thank you in advance.

this is a frequent issue with many devices, not just the htc one.

after network vision was built and sprint improved in some areas, some people started experiencing this issue (unable to send texts, duplicate texts, unable to hear who is calling them...) and over time as sprint's network was improved , these temporary hiccups went away.

in other cases the airave department had to push an OTA to update some handsets.

When you say "CS", do you mean sprint CS or airave CS?

I recommend calling AIRAVE support and letting them handle this.

Are you on FIOS?

make sure your airave is properly attached to your account (make sure the billing address matches your sprint address).

factory reset the airave.

Again could be temporary issues in your area so some patience may be needed.

smoke over this thread as there may be some solutions not covered here.

again, this happens on the 2.0 model as well and both the 2.0 and 2.5 are the same model in terms of dealing with these issues.

this is a frequent issue with many devices, not just the htc one.

after network vision was built and sprint improved in some areas, some people started experiencing this issue (unable to send texts, duplicate texts, unable to hear who is calling them...) and over time as sprint's network was improved , these temporary hiccups went away.

in other cases the airave department had to push an OTA to update some handsets.

When you say "CS", do you mean sprint CS or airave CS?

I recommend calling AIRAVE support and letting them handle this.

Are you on FIOS?

make sure your airave is properly attached to your account (make sure the billing address matches your sprint address).

factory reset the airave.

Again could be temporary issues in your area so some patience may be needed.

smoke over this thread as there may be some solutions not covered here.

again, this happens on the 2.0 model as well and both the 2.0 and 2.5 are the same model in terms of dealing with these issues.

Thank you Marktronixx. Not FIOS, I'm on Comcast. Yes it was Airave CS I spoke with last night. I really appreciate your info and making me realize it's not just me. I will look over this thread and do what you suggested and contact CS again.

Again, I appreciate your help.
Make sure your gps is locked in. Factory resetting is the next thing you can do.

I'd call and get another rep to assist.

Over all of that, it could just be a local network issue and should fix itself soon.
if it is a temporary issue.. with just texting... and you have data via internet.

you can get "google voice" app. this app can be attached to your sprint phone number.
and you can text with that. everyone will text to you the same way they have always been texting.
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