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Super Phone War!

Which Super Phone will be your daily driver!!!

  • Evo 4G LTE (LTEvo)

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 (SGS3)

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • One XL (1XL)

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Mopho Q....Whenever in releases

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Galaxy Nexus

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Galaxy Note

    Votes: 5 13.9%

  • Total voters


Android Enthusiast
I just wanted to see people reason for their phones that they want! This isn't a flame war! Just state your reason for your phone of choice!:D
EVO LTE all the way. It was nice flirting with Samsung. But after the so called legendary announcement, it made my choice going with the EVO much easier. I'm still waiting to see what Sprint has in store at CTIA. But for now, EVO LTE is leading the way.
As the One XL is the ATT One X, and we don't have many ATT customers here, and there is zero info on any new Moto phone - what's the question here??
As the One XL is the ATT One X, and we don't have many ATT customers here, and there is zero info on any new Moto phone - what's the question here??

I see that other have different views and like other phones! Ultimately I want to know what would be everyone's daily driver! I have a friend who wishes the LTEvo had the same body build as the One XL, and the body build is determining factor on what phone he gets!
Well, AT&T coverage is pretty poor in Berkeley and the Bay Area, I really like Sense (I guess I should go play with 4.0 on the One X tho), battery isn't really such a big issue since I can recharge anytime on my wheelchair:p...Who will I bump into at Best Buy on Monday?;)
Verizon Galaxy Nexus all the way! This is a screenshot of this post...

Full HD Screen with bezel gesture for Navigation Buttons:


While the app, LMT Launcher, which allows for the Nav Buttons to be called upon by a bezel gesture is available for multiple phones, it is truly practical and awesome when used in conjunction with a phone which, after a fullscreen mod, has no buttons of any kind.

The Nexus Prime also has Stock ICS, meaning no shenanigans when it comes to ROM stability. Great kernels and great devs. I unlocked and rooted my phone with very little effort.

Nexus FTW!
I'd really have to try 'em out and read some reviews. But I'm not due to an upgrade till the end of the year - give or take a month.

I doubt that sprint will have a sizable LTE network by then, but who knows. I keep hearing rumors that they are struggling... :(

I have really enjoyed HTC thus far, in fact the evo is getting another OTA coming out soon, so that's almost 2 years past launch I think. Which is surprising. Though, I really did like playing around with the Galaxy S2 at the store. We'll see.

*vote reserved for later*
I have the OG EVO and love it. I have another year before I'm eligible for the upgrade but if its a Good enough phone I may get it and give the wife the OG we'll have to see how things look though. Probably give it a few months to really see what people think of the phone once its been out and used.
I would get my hands on the GS3 whenever it rolls out. I love my inspire even though it's old but it's still a good phone to me and is great, but the SG3 is going to be awesome.
I'd really have to try 'em out and read some reviews. But I'm not due to an upgrade till the end of the year - give or take a month.

I doubt that sprint will have a sizable LTE network by then, but who knows. I keep hearing rumors that they are struggling... :(

I have really enjoyed HTC thus far, in fact the evo is getting another OTA coming out soon, so that's almost 2 years past launch I think. Which is surprising. Though, I really did like playing around with the Galaxy S2 at the store. We'll see.

*vote reserved for later*

Is there really another OTA coming for the OG EVO ?

I have an OG EVO and would love to see another OTA. The last on did make an improvement.

Oh...and my vote is for HTC....

My first was a Hero and my current is the original HTC EVO 4G.

When and if I upgrade, it will be to the LTEVO.

I have the OG EVO and love it. I have another year before I'm eligible for the upgrade but if its a Good enough phone I may get it and give the wife the OG we'll have to see how things look though. Probably give it a few months to really see what people think of the phone once its been out and used.

I am thinking the same thing. Like you I am not eligible for an upgrade until June 2013. But my patents phone is eligible for an upgrade, so I am going to check the forums and see how the LTEVO is doing and decide whether I want to "borrow" the upgrade from my parents phone or wait until next summer.
LTevo and One X are the same-ish

MotoQ is not out yet.. with no specs to even use to measure.

i am still waiting to make final decision...
but my last 5 phones have been HTC and i have been very happy..
so, it would most likely be another htc.
I doubt that sprint will have a sizable LTE network by then, but who knows. I keep hearing rumors that they are struggling... :(

What have you heard regarding any major struggles? AFAIK, the only issue has been Chicago, which doesn't mean they have issues in other markets. I'm not really certain how an issue in one market quantifies as they are "struggling"
I got a HTC because my fiance got a HTC hero. I rooted that and wanted to continue. I love my HTC desire but ill be moving on. Mainly because of the sd card and battery.

I need a top spec device as it will last longer before it feels out dated. I'm looking at the Huawei ascend d quad currently. Can't wait for more info
I like HTC because of sense, root friendly, update come at a reasonable time, roms actually look and operate differently (not just a skin)...and the fact that since smart phone came in the game with windows mobile, I had HTC!
The Note is too big for me and the One XL has a locked bootloader and no memory card slot. I'm going with the Galaxy S 3.
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