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The best camera in the world...

Pretty weather here today.
Finally got around to straightening up the office.

Please disregard the flamingo.



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You have some explaining to do....

Flamingo's are large waterfowl that get their unique color from algae that grows on their feathers. Is that what you meant? ;)

Not just that.
Count the screens...? :eek:

Well ... we have my primary desktop, Windows 7 Pro, logged in to work domain through persistent VPN. New laptop to the right Windows 8.1, old(er) laptop on the left (sitting on top of a humidor) showing Linux Mint 16 (Cinnamon), tablet old Asus t-101 with JB ROM, Nexus 4 and SGS2 both in cradles and a Samsung Captivate laying flat.

What you don't see ... 17" Laptop running vista, two older 15" laptops one running Windows 7 Home and the other dual boots Ubuntu and XP, Dell server in the basement running CentOS 6.5 for web and email ... and just plain geekplay. There is also my wife's laptop which I'm not permitted to count, nor her Galaxy S3.

I think that's everything. :D
Our local zoo tells people that flamingos get their color by being fed shrimp.

Off to Google...

Flamingos are pink or orange or white depending on what they eat. Flamingos eat algae and crustaceans that contain pigments called carotenoids. Enzymes in the liver break down the carotenoids into the pink and orange pigment molecules deposited in the feathers, bill, and legs of the flamingos.

Flamingo's are large waterfowl that get their unique color from algae that grows on their feathers. Is that what you meant? ;)

You just seemed a little self-conscious about the flamingo in your original post that I figured there had to be a story there. If you wouldn't have said anything, I doubt anyone would have noticed...but as soon as you wrote 'disregard the flamingo' you drew attention to it.

So...what's the story with your little pink friend? My curiosity has been piqued!
We're getting pounded by plenty of snow since early this morning. This shot is what we got since 8am CST.

G2, stock LG camera app, no post processing. :)
Can't say with such low light how my Moto G would have handled it.
As a comparison, one my friend took with her iPhone 5:
Gotta love the younglings!

This guy couldn't stay awake. We were trying to move to one nap/day and I was changing his diaper when he fell asleep. Slept through the whole thing, then right before I zipped up his pj's he turned his head and softly said "Happy happy" without opening his eyes and was out like a light.
Happiness is a warm puppy ... Sleeping on your leg.


EDIT: Sorry for the grain. The N4's camera doesn't do that well in low light situations and I was afraid the flash would wake him.
Our neighbor in North Carolina gave us a mason jar that his "uncle" made. Yeah, we never drank it, just kept it around to tell friends about it. :p
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