Hey: look what happened while I stepped out... we got our own forum!
But the SPECS on this thing??? Seriously? I am really hoping that those are for a second-tier phone in the X line and not the flagship killer phone that Motorola desperately needs to stay alive. This needs to be the stuff of legend... much like the OG Droid was, much like the Galaxy Nexus was. And the RAZR Max HD, which is admittedly a very capable phone.
I'm serious, Moto, and I know someone there is reading this: make it epic or most of us are skipping it. I already have dual core. Nexus 5 and Note III are around the bend, and Moto has to make this phone awesome.
While dual-core, it's a significantly more efficient processor and you'll notice close to double the battery life on it over the Gnex is all likelihood. It does puzzle me why they choose the dual-core S4 pro over the quad-core S4 pro. Must be a cost cutting measure. Even still if this phone comes with these specs, with a razr maxx battery and comes in at 100 dollars subsidized, I think it will still be a winner.