Do you like free public education? Thank unions. Do you like clean water, and sanitary working conditions? Thank unions. Do you like workplace safety regulations? Thank unions. Do you like the fact that everyone has the right to vote? Thank unions. Like having weekends off? Thank unions. Like unemployment insurance? Thank unions.
While I disagree on the right to vote... since you know, we've had that since the constitution was enacted (at least white men... let me say sorry now to everyone else), the rest is the result of the unions.
Free public education? Do I like it? No. It's a black hole where money goes and absolutely no one is accountable for the results of our education system. There is never anyone to blame except "not enough money".
Clean water, and sanitary working conditions? I have no knowledge of unions and clean wter, but sanitary working conditions is thanks to unions and has been taken over by government agencies (as has clean water regulations).
Workplace safety regulations? Thanks to unions, and taken over by government agencies.
Weekends off, unemployment insurance? Thanks to unions, but taken over by government agencies.
So... what exactly are unions doing now?
Driving up labor costs ridiculously? Forcing companies to export JOBS overseas in order to compete?
Yep... thank your unions.
Unions DID great things, but what was the last great things unions did?
Unions have been responsible for maintaining what democracy we have in this country.
If by maintaining democracy, you mean decide which candidates should be elected into office by spending millions on ad campaigns? Then yes... you would be correct.
If you mean by making sure the people get a choice? Then no... you would be wrong.
Pretending that unions are the problem is just being a useful idiot.
Pretending that
ANYTHING is all good and none bad is just ridiculous, and overly idealistic.
Especially since they already make less than private sector workers even when benefits are taken into account:
I don't see the value in comparing what a PhD in astrophysics makes and what a PhD in the humanities makes.
Comparing level of education doesn't work, as the most profitable degrees don't work in public sector jobs.
So, even though public workers already make less, and even though they've already agreed to the cuts despite this fact, you still want to mischaracterize them as being greedy? Please explain yourself.
I will explain this to you. You have been tricked. Comparing levels of education is misleading (and intentionally so). Comparing a Computer Science Bachelors to a Computer Science Bachelors is an accurate comparison. Comparing a Computer Science Bachelors to a Liberal Arts Bachelors is absolutely NOT accurate.
If you go into a store, you expect to pay money for the items you want. It sounds to me like you're the one who is really being greedy, since you want these workers to provide services without being fairly compensated.
Again, you have been misled.
Furthermore, if Walker were really serious about closing the budget gap, he wouldn't have immediately passed $117 million worth of tax cuts and special interest spending measures which added to the deficit.
When businesses feel that they have more money, and a lower tax debt, then they tend to hire more workers, increase production, increase R&D, and generally spend money in an effort to make more money. He's interested in closing the multibillion dollar deficit, but he's also interested in recovering his economy.
All due respect, just think about things a little bit.
We should all think about things more than we have, I think.