SHIT>!!!!!!!! That's all i've got to say Idrifta>!!!!!!!!
I've Been out all day left the house in the East Coast, FL to be exact and went to the local Waterpark with a couple of Friends
''Rapids WaterPark
'', also went to the movie saw
The Hunger Gamespretty good should of been Rated-R Type of movie and went out to eat. Anyways haven't been on The Forums Since 7:49am and around that time and just got home.
Well I hope on the Forums now and i see that you have about
4 or 5 different
Updates for ZVD.
LD-LG ZVD Full Rom, ZVD Speed Kernel and Regular Stock Rooted Perm Kernel and LDK-ICK Theme Test 8.. I Mean
SHIT No Wonder You haven't been on here as much this whole week.
Anyway's By Tomorrow i'm Going to be running LD-LG 1.8 for zvd and ick test 8 theme for zvd and speed kernel for zvd, Well that's if You don't put out another update at-least if it Fix things More while i'm Catching some ZZZZZZZZZ.!!!!1 Tonight cause from the looks of it your in the West Coast and you Guys are 4hours later than the East it's 11:20 now and 7:20over there.
Keep up the good Work Man and i'll keep you and the people posted on my tes of running LD LG 1.8 for zvd and ick test 8 theme for zvd and speed kernel for zvd
P.S. Don't Trip if you see a Repeat of this. GOing to Post this on all of you Thread on The First Page and You could to response to all of them or whatever. Anyways I'm Download all of them and heading to sleep and putting them together by tomorrow. ZVD both Kernels, ZVD Theme8 and LD-LG ZVD Rom.