Did you miss my post above?
I think the secret is that I can't long as I don't reboot things are fine, as soon as I reboot (usually caused by doing a nandroid when things are looking good) everything goes south fast.
Sounds odd, but I ran your last 2.2 release for at least four hours on Monday with no issues until I did a nandroid and rebooted as a result.
I've been running the new one since early this afternoon with zero issues! Very happy about that.
But ... I can't use Recovery to change the kernel, as that would require a reboot, so I'm stuck w/the stock 600MHz kernel (which is about as fast as I was on a 900MHz previously, so that's not terrible).
There's no way to change kernels on 2.2 w/out CW or SP Recovery, right? I'd really like to get a 1.0GHz kernel going, but the only way I can do that is if I have a ROM I can install that comes w/that kernel stock.
Weird turn of events...I'm actually thinking about running your ROM for a full day tomorrow and then do a reboot tomorrow night to confirm my theory. If it turns out to be right, any way you could bundle up a CW nandroid w/a nice fast kernel (I can usually handle up to 1GHz).
And love how your ROM looks...