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Time to meet thy neighbor(role call)


Well-Known Member
Hi! netlinkz here. Just thought i would start this cause im bored and well, what a better way to meet thy neighbor don't ya think? So i'll start off by telling you I'm from L.A. i own a lg connect from metro (piece a crap)pcs. Cant afford the good stuff cause i got such horrrrrrible credit. Hence metro(booooooo!) I extend my hand out to greet you witha shake,"Sup!"
Hi there! I live in Sacramento, with my husband, cat, and bird. DH and I have been on Virgin Mobile for years and are basically content with the service. We both just switched to smartphone a few months ago, and decided to get what looked like the best phone VM offered at that time, which was the Motorola Triumph. I've re-ROMed mine, which helped a good deal. I'm quite fond of the "no contract" part myself/
I'm Jesslynne, live in Winnipeg. I have a Samsung nexus s, as my first Android phone. (well not technically but long story short, I had a Motorola spice for three days) Considering I had been looking for my mom to upgrade to an LG optimus (if memory serves me correctly and I'm hoping I didn't make the name up....) they told me we had enough of a tab for the nexus instead, from her non smart phone, wound up claiming it myself.

I'm a college student in library tech program and work at a bookstore for now (need a new job cause I don't make enough for bills and rent anymore).

Enjoying my Android though, even more since it is ICS, I have a kobo vox reader that has Android gingerbread on that I enjoy but always needed a different launcher for.

I'm Steven. I have a Verizon Samsung Gnex. I had Droid X, Droid Incredible, etc...
I live in NJ. I teach voice... Used to sing opera. I'm also an ordained minister with the Elim Fellowship. I was the pastor of a small church for a number of years.

I've been a member of Android Forums for almost two and a half years. I guess if you stick around long enough, they put you to work? :p

What's happenin? I'm Dan from Maryland. I've had the Evo 4G and 3D on Sprint and recently jumped ship to AT&T for the Galaxy Note, which was one of the better decisions I've made. I work in quasi-law enforcement and spend most of my time messing with gadgets and music. Nice meeting you guys!
I live in Georgia with my wife and now 1 kid the other one moved out. We have 4 cats and 2 dogs. I have only been on an android since June of last year when I got my EVO. I had it for a month before I rooted it and I haven't looked back since. My family follows Jesus Christ. I let my beliefs be known and am always willing to discuss with one who is interested. I love horror movies (Vampires are my Fav) NO SELF RESPECTING VAMPIRE GLITTERS :D I am also a comp geek. I use Linux (Fedora) and Windows (when I have to) I only eat fruit and Apples are not part of that list. I also obviously have tattoo's and I am a frog friend. The frog in my pic is a Columbian Red Eye Tree Frog. I love the forums and meeting all of you and helping out when I am able.

I'm Jonathan. I am happily married (just had our second anniversary on the 16th!) and have a 19 month old son. Our cat Ziggy rounds out the family out here in San Jose, CA.

I became an Android user in July of 2010 and became a member here two months later.

My first Android was the LG Ally. Then a DInc, DInc 2, Droid X2, (not by choice, though) and finally the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, which I sometimes refer to by its proper name: Nexus Prime.

You can find me hanging in the link in my signature, the GNex forums and in other places 'round here. I still hit up the forums from my previous phones and am always willing to answer a PM on just about any topic.

Nice to meet y'all.

Hey all, I'm Dan and live in DC with my lovely wife. When I'm not on AF, I'm generally at work as a chef a pizza joint.
Signed up here when I first got my OG Droid. Remember watching the first videos about it showing Google Nav. and was like AHHHHH, so that's what a real phone is about. Dumped my WinMo POS and both jumped in. Been an Android fanatic ever since. Love being here; and like Steven said, the longer you hang around, sooner or later they ask you to work here!
Hi, My name is Eddie and I live/work in Nashville, TN. I'm a courier for FedEx and I have a 25 yo daughter that is married and living in Canada.

The rumors of the original Nexus (Passion/Dragon) brought me to the forums, but since it went to T-Mobile and I'm an addict for Verizon's coverage, I started with an Eris and quickly jumped to the Droid X. Still looking for my next Android.

I'm a social butterfly, so you'll find me just about anywhere in the forums.
I am either Charlie from Pennsylvania (just outside of Philly) with a wife, recent college graduate son, two dogs, 5 fish and an SGS2 who works in IT/Marketing and is a classically trained artist, or I am a figment of your imagination.

If the former, then "Hello all!" If the latter, seek help immediately.
I am either Charlie from Pennsylvania (just outside of Philly) with a wife, recent college graduate son, two dogs, 5 fish and an SGS2 who works in IT/Marketing and is a classically trained artist, or I am a figment of your imagination.

If the former, then "Hello all!" If the latter, seek help immediately.

You aren't a figment of my imagination? And you're telling me I need to seek help? That sounds exactly like something my imagination would say, therefore, I cannot trust you.

Anyways, my name is Brandon, I'm 25,and have been happily engaged for over 3 years (we are getting married this September). I currently work in sales for a company that manages government bids. I currently have a Galaxy Note, my previous phones are the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, and Mytouch 3g.
Actually meant to mention that I'm in Scotland :-) lol, and my spelling of any word may change from time to time, especially when using Swype.

I do however know the meaning of root as I've played rugby with a fair few Aussies...... Ok that now sound really bad....am gonna shut up and go to bed now I think, it is nearly half 1 in the morning :-)
Actually meant to mention that I'm in Scotland :-) lol, and my spelling of any word may change from time to time, especially when using Swype.

I do however know the meaning of root as I've played rugby with a fair few Aussies...... Ok that now sound really bad....am gonna shut up and go to bed now I think, it is nearly half 1 in the morning :-)

Hi, I live in southern AZ where Satan himself owns a summertime retreat.
I am married for 24 years, have one daughter 22 years old, share my home with a Border Collie 12 years old, a Bluetick Coonhound 7 years old, a Miniature Dacshund 5 years old, and too many fish to count.
I have a passion for Android phones, and all things concerning them (except root).
I also have a passion for wolves, and the study of their behaviour, and the education of the public concerning wolves in the wilderness, and why they should never be considered domestic pets.
I also am saved by the grace of Christ, and it is a really good thing I am forgiven, else I'd be screwed, cuz I am quite often naughty.:eek:
I really love this place, and the people who frequently hang here.
They are some good people, and fun to hang with!:)
I am either Charlie from Pennsylvania (just outside of Philly) with a wife, recent college graduate son, two dogs, 5 fish and an SGS2 who works in IT/Marketing and is a classically trained artist, or I am a figment of your imagination.

If the former, then "Hello all!" If the latter, seek help immediately.

Better change your avatar. Here ya go:
Hello, I'm Rick. My first Android phone, HTC Incredible, brought me to these great forums and I've been ever since. I'm married and the father of four grown children. I still have one at home.. but only for a few more weeks. I've had a child in my home since 1975 so I'm sorta looking forward to that empty nest thing. My fine wife has put up with me for 39 years. I love to fish and hunt but rarely find the time. I love all things guns and enjoy shooting for marksmanship's sake. I've spent the last few decades doing internet communication. I started with a phone cradle 300 baud modem and was on the internet via my college BBS that I SYSOPed for long before it was available to the public. I did the IRC thing for years and followed the news groups of interest. My first portable phone was a two meter walkie-talkie back in the seventies and migrated to the cellular phone when it became available. Love of portable phone, communication, and the great people here has made AF a great place to hang my hat.
Good Morning All!
Greg here-signed up on AF when purchased my first Android phone(Huawei Accend) back in September of last year. I have three kids(avatar) but that pic was taken years ago-they are now 19-15-13.
I live in Michigan about 20 minutes from Detroit.
Don't recall exactly how I found AF but sure glad I did as the information and people here are the best hands down.
Who said this guide position is "work":questionmark: Never!!:thumbdown:
See y'all around:wavey:
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