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Help Touch screen sensitivity


My wife and I both bought these Avids in January, 2013. From the very beginning we have both experienced the same issue. When phone is first powered on or restarted, the touch screen responds normally. But after awhile (perhaps hours or overnight) the touchscreen seems to lose sensitivty. It's especially noticeable on lower RH side, like when hitting the backspace key. Swyping becomes nearly impossible, or something like scrolling through Kindle books. Instead of a smooth swipe it wants to interpret it as a tap and opens whatever icon you were trying to swipe over. Or it won't respond at all.
Restarting the phone always fixes it (temporarily), but sometimes it's hard to even restart the phone because when you hold the power button you have to tap the screen to chose Restart & it doesn't want to respond sometimes.
After a month or so I had to have my phone replaced because the call quality was so bad. The new phone has the same touch issue, so it seems to be something with the ZTE Avid in general, but I don't see anyone else on this forum talking about it. My workaround is to simply restart the phone each morning and I typically make it through the day without a restart.

Anyone else experienced this? I moved to this phone from an LG Optimus Elite on VM that I never had to restart. Very stable. So this has been disappointing.

I am sorry to hear you are having these issues.

Unfortunately, I fear that I would have the same issue, if it weren't for my constant restarting. My 'problem' is a little different.

Over time, the phone seems to 'forget' to automatically tilt the screen, such as when I turn it at a ninety degree angle from the horizontal position to the vertical position, and reverse, to either respond to a text message, read web pages on my browser more efficiently, and watch YouTube videos.

Over time, either in a matter of hours, or from starting it up in the morning, till early evening, or sometimes, in just under an hour, the phone stops automatically tilting. The touch sensitivity seems to suffer just a bit, with my motions not being recognized. This is across the entire display, not just a certain area or function.

The only method I have to resolve this is to restart the device, which I have gotten in the habit of doing due to wanting to close all applications I may have opened, and it, from my experience, helps to 'refresh' its sensors and life. If that makes any sense.

I can however, suggest this.


I found that one day while I was looking in the store for any 'ZTE accessories' to the phone, such as themes, wallpapers, something that gives it more of a Manufacturer/Android feel, and less of Metro/Carrier.

I additionally found these.


All three of these are applications made by ZTE for the phone. I am not certain on their 'work', but the first one seems like something that could help, I am not certain. I wish I knew what else to suggest, but unfortunatly, due to my mobile device having this odd 'bug' of losing auto-tilt, I fear I will never get to experience this.
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