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Trump Assassination Attempt #2

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You act as if Trump came up with the eating pets story. He just said what had been posted on the media.
I never said he came up with the idea. He is most certainly promoting the racist idea. He is responsible for 30 plus bomb threats where schools and government buildings had to shut down!!!!

Why are you not outraged at such lies? Why would you want a proven liar as commander in chief of the greatest military in the world? How can you trust a person like that? You want that guy to have access to our nuclear warheads?

And dont blame the media..... these are things that trump has said. These are things that jd vag has said. AND THEY ARE STILL PROMOTING SUCH RACIST LIES!!!!!
The threats came from a foreign source, not Trump.
I'm just not picking the other liar that's wanting to destroy the country. The last 3.5 years have been the worst years since WWII.
She'll certainly get us into WWIII.
so you do not care if he is a lying racist. if the republican candidate was Hitler, you would vote for him, right? as long as he portrays a strong stance to the world, right? in other words, you do not care about the Constitution. you want to see it destroyed as trump becomes the dictator he wants to be. you want an OLD degenerate man who hardly has any cognitive thinking left. he can barely speak any more. i mean talk about Bidens speech gaffs. trump is way worse at speaking than Biden. he talks about Hanibal Lecter as this great human being and he thinks he is real!

and please the US is such a strong nation. i do not see the US as this horrible place as you do. i see it as a shining light in the world right now. we have the strongest economy in the world. we are not in a recession as was initially predicted. the feds have just cut interest rates. unemployment has been dropping steadly.
....so the worst since WWII???

so some history lessons for you. The Great Depression occured just before WWII erupted in Europe....somewhere between 1933 thru 1940. when America entered the war in 1941, President Roosevelt created new departments of government that helped to convert and create factories to help build for the war. this production boosted the US economy right out of the Depression. it provided jobs and helped to boost unions... so using WWII as a time frame is probably not a time i would have used.......maybe the Great Depression would have been better choice. But WWII was actually a good time economically for the US at the time.

so what lies has Kamala Harris has said? anything on the level of lies like Hattian eating pets?
we have the strongest economy in the world.

I visited with an old buddy yesterday who builds and sells custom beach homes on the West End of Galveston Island. He tole me that the last year and this year have been the worst times for his business in the 41 years he has been in business there.

He is sitting on the last two homes he built as he can not sell them and he can not build anymore as not only is the price of lumber exorbitant but the availability is almost non-existent.

I am retired on a fixed income and have watched my grocery cost rise to almost a level where I am having to not buy some things as I can not afford them.

We will not survive 4 more years of this !

so what lies has Kamala Harris has said

she has said that after almost 4 years of not fixing anything make her POTUS and she will "fix" things ....

And yet another discussion on yet another forum about not voting for the better of the country because of the person asking for a chance to fix it !


Vote for what is good for our country, we are faced with a pick of the lessor of two evils, and the survival of our country, is dependent on the outcome.
so what will trump do for your friend? what policy will help out? i have not heard anything that trump will do for the home market.

Kamala Harris has a solid plan for 1st time buyers.

and so you are saying you will vote for the lesser of two evils. so a lying, fraudulent racist and wannabe dictator is the lesser one?

edit: and again, she is vice president. she does not dictate policy. she only backs up whatever Biden's plans are.
And here is the prime example of the reason behind this thread in the first place.
More democratic hate speech.

Once more, another Trump is Hitler pairing. " lying, fraudulent racist and wannabe dictator".

Seems to me that if he was going to do everything that you say he will, he would have done that from between 2016 to 2020.

Kamala says that she's gonna do all sorts of things, on day one, but her day one was in January 2021.

It's quite evident that you're set in your ways and you plan on voting for Kamala.
Vote to give more taxpayer money to the millions that have been brought to this country.
Vote to freeze prices on US products so that we become dependant on others.
We spent over 4 decades in the cold war in order to maintain democracy, so now 30 years later we get this from your democrats...

Let's not forget where kamala's "Strength through joy" slogan came from.

"edit: and again, she is vice president. she does not dictate policy. she only backs up whatever Biden's plans are."

Kamala was the Biden/Harris point person on the border crisis.
Now that she's the anointed one that's going to lead the democrats she has announced that she supports Trump's position on the border wall, something that she totally disagreed on during Trump's time as President.
Tuesday Morning Reaction GIF by The Secret Life Of Pets

again you are telling me its ok for a racist to be president. its ok if a complete asshole is our president.....so long as your economic situation is better for it. but here is the question. would your pocketbook be better under trump vs Harris? trump's economy pre-covid was steady. but if you look at it it was on the same trajectory as Obama. there were no dips or increase when trump took over. what happened post covid under trump.....oh wait he still had to deal with covid when he left office. what happened afterwards under Biden? the economy began to recover. we were the 1st nation in the world to recover from the economic disaster due to covid. Biden not trump!!!!!! you guys seem to forget that we had covid to deal with trump.

and immigrants being "brought" to this country? what does that mean? no one is bringing in illegal immigrants in, but themselves in. and illegal immigrants are the least of my worries.

and nowhere in that "tweet" does it say anything about Harris supporting or building a wall. it is nothing but fraudulent fox pundits saying so. there are no facts in that clip or "tweet". give me some concrete evidence of this being part of Harris's campaign.....you can't cuz it is not true.

as far as Marxism and Communism as a form of government. VP Harris is not a Marxist.

more history lessons for y'all.
Marxism is a social-political theory. it involves the struggles of the middle class and the upper class. according to Karl Marx, it is this struggle that will ultimately lead to a form of communist government.

Communism is based on a single class society where everything produced is done by the government.

and just because VP Harris's father wrote a book and taught a class on Marxism does not mean she is a Marxist or a Communist.

her economic plans are nowhere near what would be considered Marxism or Communism. she is a capitalist, and her policies suggest just as much. her policy on stopping price gouging is not the 1st idea to be mentioned in American politics. in fact it was 1st introduced by a republican in 1971 by nixon. https://www.cato.org/commentary/remembering-nixons-wage-price-controls

so please stop with the false narrative that just because VP Harris's father taught about Marxism makes her a communist. its completely untrue.

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open the borders to all, honest and criminal, give them housing and money, promise them everything, off of the backs of those who work and pay for it.

socialism only works until the money runs out ...

Is it not disgusting that we take in all the unwashed from around the world and set them up to succeed while our own perish in the dregs of poverty and despair ?

What about the many veterans living on the street, they are not above a criminal who walked in across an open border, un-vetted ?

And do not start with the, "they are not all criminals" crap, how many is not all ? Seems one is enough for my discussion.

Look up the story of the two that just raped and killed a teenage girl in Houston last month. (maybe two months ago)

If you wish to give away your money and promises to that faction be my guest, but do not think I want you to give mine to them !
open the borders to all, honest and criminal, give them housing and money, promise them everything, off of the backs of those who work and pay for it.

socialism only works until the money runs out ...
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Ocnbrze, I like you a lot, man. Especially when it comes to android issues.
Unfortunately I don't see eye to eye with you on politics.
If you can physically go to the Texas border and actually see the day by day influx of immigrants coming in, maybe then you'll realize just how bad the situation is.
And we're paying for them to come in.
This is the one burning point that has to stop.
History repeats itself, and just like the Roman Empire, the country will fall apart from the inside, without an outside intruder to make it happen. Society needs a traditional male female relationship way of life to sustain itself with a male / female household, along with traditional moral codes. A strong military and strong economy keeps everything in check. Once these things start to fall apart, chaos will ensue.
You guys make it sound as Trump and the Republicans are the anti christ. They're no different than anyone else. But really think who you want leading your country for the next 4 years. At least Trump has some ideas, Kamala just copies what has already been said without an original thought.
All I want is a good economy, food prices back to normal, gasoline back to normal and for Christ's sake, no electric vehicles!!!!
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I have been preaching to anyone who will listen, "It is not about the person running/it is about what is the best for this country !"

Too many are going to vote for her because of their disdain/anger towards the Cheeto, while the remainder of them are going to vote for her false narrative of, "fixing" the mess her side has created over the past 4 years.

It is not just about one concern, it is about what is best for our country !

How can anyone look at the State of the Union and think we need 4/8/12/16 more years of this ????????????????
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