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Root Ultimate Droid Disappeared from ROM Manager!

Yes did all that. When I try and flash clockwork mod recovery it goes through then says "error occurred while attempting to run privileged commands"

The last time that error happened to me it was because I did not click "allow" with Su. When u try to flash clockwork and it downloads there is a popup from SU app asking whether u will allow access. It stays on screen for a few seconds. If u dont click remember and allow it gives that error. hope this helps.
yeah there was a thread goin on over there talkn bout boycotting rommanager because blackroid left it...it got pretty heated i think they deleted the whole thread about it since they are his new home....they are even talkn bout banning ppl if you start flaming ppl
Found this post inside blackdroids home thread over at droidforums:D

That's a funny post! I think this is a good time to reflect on how good THIS forum is here. Mods, Admins, and Guides seem to be there when they are needed yet they don't loom over every comment you make (or they are just discretely monitoring every post :)). If this place was like the other droid forums...I wouldn't be here every damn night...until way too far into the A.M. But then look at the people on this forum and I believe it's a different class of people here!

30 day vacations...LMFAO!!!!! See, power corrupts people! :D
thats pretty awful... hail droid forums hail the new world order haha. jk jk. but yeah not a fan of that
yeah there was a thread goin on over there talkn bout boycotting rommanager because blackroid left it...it got pretty heated i think they deleted the whole thread about it since they are his new home....they are even talkn bout banning ppl if you start flaming ppl

Oh okay, I remember that popup prior to this. Now I don't get it. I think some how I am not rooted anymore. I just gave up and factory rebooted and will mess with it all later. Should have just left it alone lol. Odd thing is UD is still running on the phone
That's a funny post! I think this is a good time to reflect on how good THIS forum is here. Mods, Admins, and Guides seem to be there when they are needed yet they don't loom over every comment you make (or they are just discretely monitoring every post :)). If this place was like the other droid forums...I wouldn't be here every damn night...until way too far into the A.M. But then look at the people on this forum and I believe it's a different class of people here!

30 day vacations...LMFAO!!!!! See, power corrupts people! :D
i am watching alllll of you. i saw what you did last night ubr......it disgusts me.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I've been using UD since 5.0 and have really enjoyed his ROMs. I liked them b/c they did seem so diff from all the other ROMs. Granted, part of that was b/c of theming, but truly my phone hadn't responded so well w/ any other ROM (even when using the same kernels). I'm only recently becoming aware of what caused this beef, and I'm not exactly sure what my opinion is (or if I'll even be able to form one). Most of this is over my head. But I can honestly say I hadn't seen any beefing at DF until the past couple days. But here, I can't say the same.

Also, I bought ROM Manager mostly for the UD Customizer. But I'm not mad that it's not there any more. It's still a good tool for all the other ROMs available. I believe most of us are flash addicts, so it'll def come in handy.

As I stated earlier, most of this is over my head. I don't care to get caught up in childishness, so I'm gonna try to stay out of it. I love AndroidForums, I have this site too thank for coming so far and Phandroid is still the best place for me to get my Android info. So, can't we all just get along?
The funniest thing about alllll of this is that besides Koush/Cyanogen's ROM they all are illegal. Why you ask, because they include Google Apps which are closed source and illegal to re distribute unless they have given you permission.
so how does that work with Koush/Cyanogen, they are not in that ROM, but a second package that you download with the Cyanogen/Koush ROM
Correct so is that a 'prepackaged' item from Google then?

Pretty much, from what I can gather Google's issue was having the apps "packaged" with Cyanogen. They sent out a cease and desist letter, Cyanogen worked with Google and they seemed to be fine as long as the option was there for the user to install them or not. I believe it was more of a "these are our apps, anyone can download them for free, but please don't auto install them with your ROM..." kinda thing...

Again though the main thing here is that Cyanogen actually worked with Google to come to an agreement...
i don't know who put it together, but based on the various articles online - and an interview with cyanogen, after his cease and desist he got permission to do the distribution of said package. None of the articles stated if it was his "package" of their apps, or if it was their package.
That's a funny post! I think this is a good time to reflect on how good THIS forum is here. Mods, Admins, and Guides seem to be there when they are needed yet they don't loom over every comment you make (or they are just discretely monitoring every post :)).

We are currently in deliberation discussing what you were possibly implying. A ban may result. We'll get back to you.

That seems to be a common theme with other forums, though. They back whoever is supporting them the most, and no one can say a word against them without infractions. I've actually seen worse forums for doing this than what is going on right now, though.

Case in point: There is a car forum I used to frequent not so long ago... A member had just done a TON of work to his car, and he wanted to show it off so he started posting pictures. A few of the pictures were from the website of the company who helped him with the car, but that company was not a paying sponsor. One of the paying vendors complained, and that guy got banned.

This is starting to look an awful lot like the same thing.
We are currently in deliberation discussing what you were possibly implying. A ban may result. We'll get back to you.

That seems to be a common theme with other forums, though. They back whoever is supporting them the most, and no one can say a word against them without infractions. I've actually seen worse forums for doing this than what is going on right now, though.

Case in point: There is a car forum I used to frequent not so long ago... A member had just done a TON of work to his car, and he wanted to show it off so he started posting pictures. A few of the pictures were from the website of the company who helped him with the car, but that company was not a paying sponsor. One of the paying vendors complained, and that guy got banned.

This is starting to look an awful lot like the same thing.

that is just wrong, a member posts a pic form a non-sponsor on a forum and gets banned..

I am a Mod on a Car forum, the one I am on allows it, why should a sponsor be protected, especially when 99% of the time the sponsors NEVER participate in discussions, even when they should
that is just wrong, a member posts a pic form a non-sponsor on a forum and gets banned..

I am a Mod on a Car forum, the one I am on allows it, why should a sponsor be protected, especially when 99% of the time the sponsors NEVER participate in discussions, even when they should

some car forums are much worse than others. lol. Luckily, there are always multiple forums to choose from with a lot of cars. (The forums I am referring to that did that is "Audizine" - an audi forum.)
This is why Linux will never be the defacto desktop OS. Nobody actually plays nice in the spirit of cooperation, improvement and comradery. Everybody is "you stole my this", "he just themed my that".

Last I check not a single chef made there rom up from binary yet. Every one of the roms stands on the shoulder of giants. NO ONE WROTE IT FROM SCRATCH.

I have loaded everyone's roms that I could find. Each Chef would get it right in some releases... and not right in others. It's just the nature of all the code working together.

I can say that at some times UD's roms ran better on my phone than any others at that time. Other times it was Chevy, sometimes Pete. Why hate the guy for adding something to the community that works well for people now and again.... I just don't get it.

Maybe I crazy. Just seems like a lot of hating.

PS. running CM right now and loving it.
Last I check not a single chef made there rom up from binary yet. Every one of the roms stands on the shoulder of giants. NO ONE WROTE IT FROM SCRATCH.

I guess that depends on your definition of scratch. In my opinion building from source is going to be the closest anyone gets to "scratch" unless you want to make your own OS.
It isn't that people think you should build from the ground up, borrowing from one another is very much encuradged by most of the community. It is the fact that when you do you need to give credit where it is due. BD went so far as to copy and paste Pete's release notes for one of the UD releases and claimed it was all his work.

That is what people have a problem with, and all of the drama is being started by BD, because he is being called out as a theif. Instead of just giving credit he is getting all defensive and still trying to claim all the work.
I guess that depends on your definition of scratch. In my opinion building from source is going to be the closest anyone gets to "scratch" unless you want to make your own OS.

That was his point entirely. Building from scratch means just that... starting with nothing. There is no room for individual interpretations on that one. Even people who build from the AOSP tree are still using google code.
That was his point entirely. Building from scratch means just that... starting with nothing. There is no room for individual interpretations on that one. Even people who build from the AOSP tree are still using google code.

yea but if your not using google code its not even android anymore and who wants to run some OS 1 guy makes anyway lol
some car forums are much worse than others. lol. Luckily, there are always multiple forums to choose from with a lot of cars. (The forums I am referring to that did that is "Audizine" - an audi forum.)
A company called Internet Brands buys up car forums and jacks up vendor prices, and they set banning polocies like that. happened to my favorite car forum, too. Just look at the very bottom of the BB and chances are it says "Copyright Internet Brands".

I'm back to running Ultimate Droid again. I tried Cyanogen and UD is simply better. It's got more to offer, unless I'm doing everything completely wrong.
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