Ok, lets assume here. Lets play along.
We will have to take these conditions as fact.
1.) Alien, from another world or dimension, has made contact with the world governments.
2.) They want to enslave/kill/torture us.
3.) They have a vastly superior technology then us.
And we will think about
4.) They are part of our government.
If that was true, why the light show? You would think that a alien race from another world/dimension, would be able to fly without headlights? In space/inner dimensions, they would not need them. Our are we saying the can space/time/dimension travel, but have not invented radar? We currently have planes that can fly with very little visible/non visible trace. If they can space travel, why can't the cloak, or at least hide?
You would think that if they wanted to secretly take over the government and destroy our species, they would do it very quietly. With no trace or evidence. Like a human does, secret agents and co-op's and stuff. Honestly to have the light show and secretly take over the government, would be like the CIA pulling up to Iran border in a van marked CIA, and telling customs that they are there to spy. Not to bright.
Number two, they have to torture/enslave/kill us. The question is why. If we take just how little we know about the universe it is really starting to look like more then 50% of all the stars in the universe has habitable planets. Why us? Why not take 40,000 humans, transport them to another world, bred them as slaves/torture/kill them? It makes very little sense for them to want to kill us all? Why? There are probably billions and billions of worlds in this dimension and million and millions of space traveling species on them, why would you just want to wipe them out?
But we have to say they want to, regardless of the reason. Why would the need to become part of our society? Why would they bother? Would they not just show up, kill all the adults, enslave the children, and be done with it? Would it not be better just to say, "We talked it over, you must die?"
Makes no sense.
But let us move on. These aliens, have a vast and massive technological base. Why would the contact this back water planet? It would be like someone from NASA visiting a hand stone quarry to learn how to make stone bowls. Sure we have this vast culture and society, but they are hell bent on destroying us. So between the libraries, internet, and other forms of data collection, they should have no problem.
So we are back to why? Why would you both make a public display, and secret? Why care about what we are and do, but yet want to enslave/kill/toture? Why waste a vast amount of time, energy, and technology on something that has no return?
If you want our culture, take it, less then 30 days to wipe us out.
If you want our planet, take it, less then 30 days to wipe us out.
If you want to enslave us, take it, less then 30 days to do it.
If they mean us harm, why are we like 60+ years into it, with out outcome?