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Root Unofficial AOSP Builds

no wifi on latest build .. maybe this helps ... some gps/wifi issue?

1|shell@android:/ $ logcat -v long | grep wifi
Removing dangling permission: com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.wifi from package com.google.android.gsf
Unable to start service Intent { act=com.qualcomm.services.location.xtwifi.XTWiFiOsAgent } U=0: not found
Unable to start service Intent { act=com.qualcomm.services.location.xtwifi.XTWiFiOsAgent } U=0: not found
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
NoActiveNetworkState not a wifi connectivity change, ignore
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
W/int ulp_xtwifi_send_gnss_position(loc_sess_status, LocPosTechMask, const UlpLocation*, const GpsLocationExtended*), dlopen for libxtwifi_ulp_adaptor.so failed, error = dlopen failed: library "libxtwifi_ulp_adaptor.so" not found
Launching fragment com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
wifiRequestEventCb invoked
Tested today's CM build, wifi still not working.
I also tested slimkat and all is good, except I can't play any media (music, ringtones, videos, youtube videos...).
well then idk, i reverted those changes and it still isnt working. earlier today a cm dev pushed some changes through for busybox and +2'd it and approved it to be merged and didnt follow up with the other commits so it broke building busybox for me. chances are this is somethign similar..

i put everything but cm source back to what i had for the working build #2 and it still is busted and i have no idea why. with slimkat can you try the audio fix mentioned earlier? i thought taht was included but idk anymore. my files are an absolute mess trying to get gps fixed and then reverting and then swapping around trying to sort this out.

if someone wouldnt mind trying out on build #2 https://github.com/Shabbypenguin/an...mmit/5402362d5e92ead79adce631fa1796e9296b3c95 the files are all in /system/etc and will need a reboot after altering them. that should fix gps on it.
I have absolutely no problems with GPS using build #2... Really don't know what you're talking about... Do I need to make any modifications so I don't get this bug you're talking about in the future?
@shabbyPenguin.. I will test .. dirty flash build #2, confirm GPS broken, then install the 3 conf files in /etc, rebbot and check GPS state... and report back ....

I just need confirmation which #2 to flash... the 7/31 ? (the 7/30 link is broken)...

** I flashed the 7/31 build #2 after a factory reset and gps continued to work.. the gps.conf, izat.conf and quipc.conf look like they did before your commits... so i'm totally confused !
I have had zero issues with wifi on any of these builds. At the moment I'm running SlimKat and Wi-Fi, SD and 3/4G all seem to work. Audio (music/games) and GPS are still broken.

EDIT: Tried your GPS config changes on SlimKat with no luck. Also tested magnetometer and accelerometer and they're both working.
I have had zero issues with wifi on any of these builds. At the moment I'm running SlimKat and Wi-Fi, SD and 3/4G all seem to work. Audio (music/games) and GPS are still broken.

EDIT: Tried your GPS config changes on SlimKat with no luck. Also tested magnetometer and accelerometer and they're both working.

There's nothing wrong with the GPS. What are you guys talking about?
I just pinched the sensors.msm8226.so file and dumped it in /system/lib/hw

gyro is now detected and works okay.. all other sensors appear to be intact too :-)
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