Ok here is the fix for if you try to update your phone to a custom rom and end up losing the boot animations and it wont boot into recovery mode and this will also possibly work if you brick your phone. make sure you use a usb port on the back of your computer isf it is a desktop. Firstly, hopefully you will of backed up before trying to update your phone if not you will lose all data stored on the phone.
Firstly download the KDZ updater from the first post if you havent already done so.
Then your going to need to download two files:
The first is the French V20a KDZ,
Then this one here, the out KDZ,
Ok the out KDZ page is in russian but i dont know how to upload files to mediafire or anything. Maybe dudeman can do this.
Right to start with you need to remove the SD card, the battery and the sim card.
Next you will need to press the volume - / Down button and connect your usb cable this will put your phone into download mode.
Next you need to open up device manager and go to modems and disable the LG android usb modem.
Then open up the KDZ updater. Check that the type is set to '3GQCT' and the phone mode set to 'CS_EMERGENCY' then in the KDZ file box browse to and select the french KDZ file and click Launch software update. Wait for it to say finished in the dialog box and then unplug the usb cable before it the phone boots. Then plug your phone back in while pressing the Volume - / Down buttom again, this time the screen will say download mode. Go back to the KDZ updater and check the the Type box still says 3GQCT and the Phone mode is still set to CS_EMERGENCY, and browse to the out KDZ and again launch software update wait for it to say finished and again remove the usb cable put the battery back in the phone and start the phone it will get to the android boot logo but thats it. Plug the usb cable back in and go back to the KDZ updater and change the phone mode to DIAG the browse to Either the Carphonewarehouse KDZ with fastboot or the EuropeanOpen KDZ with fast boot and again launch software update and when it says finshed turn off the phone and boot into fast boot mode and install the Cyanogenmod 7 update as per dudemans instructions in the first post.
Any problems with this method please let me know.
Cheers Lee
what to do when it says : phone not found ?